Original Writing

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Peter Liaibi                                                Thursday 3rd July 2008



Wow! Amazing stuff. I have just found out that this year I will be visiting Paris, the capital of France. It’s the first time I have even been there and I am just as excited as the North Pole is with snow. But it doesn’t stop there I have also been booked in to fly with a private Concorde booked privately for my party only. The reason I will be going is because I will be meeting my long lost uncle for the first time. My mum said “I’m not giving away any clues”

“Does he have money.” I questioned

“You had better get packing” she replied. Over the next couple of days, I spent my spare time trying to figure out what he may have looked and I was as clueless as new-born baby with a Rubik’s clue, packing all the things I may need to share with my uncle.

Me and my mum arrived at the airport. Anxious. Thrilled. My heart was pounding as if a race was just about to begin and I was the favourite to win. “where’s the check-in?” asked my mum “somewhere in the airport” I joked. The airport was more overcrowded than a chicken factory. Noise. Commotion. It was a whirlwind of chaos due to the delays throughout. The check-in was worse than the sales counter at a McDonalds in the USA. People were arguing, using foul language, spitting and a fight nearly broke out between two women. Talking about fights, I nearly got into a fight with Amy Winehouse’s bodyguard when he tried to push in front of my mother whilst I went to the toilet. After what seemed like a lifetime we had finally checked in. the lady at the checkout had a list of questions that she read out like a machine-gun. “Did I pack the suitcase myself?”

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“Did I have any liquids in my bag?”


“Did I have any sharp liquids in my bag?”

“NO!” I replied. Her heart wasn’t in it. She looked like she had just woken up from a lifelong coma. We went from one line to another. Passport Control! If I thought check-in was bad, this was as boring as a game of chess. Two hours later, several arguments and an arrest later, we had finally cleared passport control. Once through, I was in heaven, it was like coming out of a court case for murder then wining the national lottery. ...

This is a preview of the whole essay