Original Writing Coursework

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By Mason Soiza

Original Writing Coursework

Chicago is in the North-east part of the United States of America. Stepping into the snazzy baggage area of Chicago airport, the first thing I notice is just how grand everything is. And for the first time in my life I see a pizza vending machine, how awesome is that? As I glance around I can see that everybody, even the people who work here, have a smile on their face and actually look as though they are having a superb time.

As my eyes dart around the baggage area I see the rather large taxi line, I quickly sprint to the back of the ginormous queue. As I gaze around I notice a pearlescent red Ford Mustang GT500 I suddenly jump back to life, as I stare anxiously at the car I think to myself what car will we be hiring out for the week.

The taxi eventually after a life threatening drive drops my family and I at the rental car services. As I observe all the cars parked up I notice that all of them are huge gas guzzlers but I suppose that is America Suddenly I hear this sound, it sounds insanely loud I wonder what it is? Oh My God it’s another Ford Mustang and it’s ours I can’t believe it.

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We all jump in and my dad puts the foot down. I love the noise it makes it must scare people it’s that loud. As we arrive at our apartment my mum jumps out of the car looking as though she has just woken up. We all just quickly unpack and then jog out of the hotel room as fast as possible without looking silly. So I jump into the car first at the front so my mum has to go in the back; I hate the back of the car.

My family and I head for my dad’s ...

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