Original Writing Coursework - The Old House.

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GCSE Original Writing Coursework - The Old House

I did not think that anything would happen. We were just messing about, Robert and I. As usual, Robert met me at my house and we walked to school. He hated school and often skipped it. He was much more adventurous than me, as he usually missed over two weeks a month where as I preferred a couple of days. Anyway, we were taking a different route to school today, as Robert assured me it was a shortcut. Later, I knew this was a trick.

Now, the way we were going was through an alley, past a few houses and we were almost at school. All houses look alike to me but I could not help noticing the difference in this one. I could tell from the start this was an empty house. It looked as if there had been a fire as most of it had fallen to pieces!

“Lets skip school and explore the house,” Robert suddenly said. “I was talking to Dan the other day, in fact he bet me a fiver to go in there and you’re my witness!”

“No way,” I said, “I’m not going in there!”

“Oh come on,” he moaned back. “I’ll share the fiver with you”.

Now he had probably spent all night racking his brains to think of this and I was very tempted to accept as I was saving for a computer game.

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We did not go straight in as my asthma started, well, that’s what I said to Robert. I was actually scared silly! I hated being a coward, especially over an old house, but it looked so sinister with all the windows fallen out and clumps of bricks lying everywhere. In fact it was more of a demolished building than an old one.

After walking up the remains of the path we took a look through the window. It was just a plain, empty and boring room. I was half-glad, half-disappointed. There was nothing in it. The whole house was just ...

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