About ten minutes later Dan came back down and we were going to go when we heard sirens. Oh no. It’s the police. I didn’t care about anything but myself. I ran out the house and then jumped over the fence.
“Stay right where you are,” I heard a policeman shout but I kept on running. I turned around and saw a policeman chasing after me. I was getting very tired but I kept running. I ran round the corner and ran into a youth centre. When I got in there I hid in the toilets. I stayed there for about ten minutes and then went out the fire exit doors of the youth club and looked both directions. No one was there so I started to walk home.
I was nearly home when I saw a policeman near my street. I quickly hid behind a tree. I heard someone behind me so I turned around slowly. A policeman was stood there. I tried running but the policeman grabbed me.
“I didn’t do anything,” I said.
“Well you won’t mind coming to the police station then will you?”
I was cleaning my room when I heard a knock on my door. “Who is it?” I asked. There was no reply so I thought I was imaging things and I carried on cleaning. Then I heard a loud bang. I went downstairs and saw two men. One of them looked about twenty-five and the other one looked about sixteen. The young one looked very scared. I knew they were going to do something as soon as I saw them.
“John you stay with her until I come back,” the older one said to the nervous, younger one. So his name was John. Well I could tell John didn’t want to do this and he wouldn’t do anything to harm me.
“So how old are you, John,” I asked him.
“Eighteen,” he replied. Just then I realized I had my mobile phone in my pocket. I dialled 999 when he wasn’t looking.
“Has he made you do this burglary,” I asked him, knowing the police would hear me.
“Who? Dan? No were in this together,” he responded. I kept talking to him trying to find out as much as possible and I already knew their names.
Dan came back downstairs and they were both about to go when we all heard sirens, Dan and John ran. The police came in my house and asked if I was all right. I told them I was fine. I gave descriptions of both men plus the fact that they were called John and Dan. I went upstairs to see what they had taken. I went in my room and it was a tip. I saw the drawers open and knew straight away they had taken my money. I then found out they had taken all my jewellery. They had stolen the necklace my mum gave to me when she died. I was very upset and the police were very helpful. They rang my brother up for me and I decided to stay with him for a couple of days until everything got sorted out.
We were stood at the door and John was very scared. I knocked on the door. We heard someone say something. I told John to kick the door down. It took him a few minutes but he did it. We walked in the house and saw a woman. I went upstairs while John stayed with the woman.
I went into the first bedroom but there didn’t seem to be anything in it so I went into the next bedroom. There were loads of things in this room. I didn’t know where to start. I saw a jewellery box so I looked in there and there was lots of jewellery. I stuffed it all in my pockets. I then started going through all her drawers and I found about five hundred pound stashed away in there so I took all of it. I didn’t seem to find much else so I went back downstairs.
I got downstairs when we heard sirens. I ran out the house and I ran as fast as I could. I turned around and saw the police chasing after me. I panicked and hid in someone’s garden. I waited and then I heard a dog start barking.
“Shut up,” I whispered angrily to the dog. The dog carried on barking and I saw lights flashing. It was the police with their torches. The dog was still barking so I crawled into the next garden and crawled round the back. I got up and then ran but it was pitch black and I didn’t see the bin and ran straight into it. “Ahhhh, my knee,” I screamed and then I realized the police heard me so I got up, jumped over the fence into the next garden and ran straight into a policeman.
“Where are you going?” he asked me.
“Nowhere,” I answered.
“Your under arrest,” he said. He got his handcuffs out and put them on me.