Original Writing: The Oval Portrait

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Jaymin Patel                                                                     English                                                                  Ms Sale

The Oval Portrait

The chateau into which my mistress had ventured for me to make forceful entrance, rather than to allow me, in my seriously injured condition, to spend a night in the open air, was one of those masses of intertwined gloom and grandeur which have so long frowned among the Alps, not less in fact than in the fancy of Mrs. Bouchomps. To all appearance it had been temporarily and very lately abandoned. We established ourselves in one of the smallest and least lavishly furnished apartments. It lay in a remote tower of the building. Its decorations were rich, yet worn and antique. Its walls were hung with beautiful tapestry and bedecked with armorial trophies, together with an unusually great number of very spirited modern paintings in frames which had a feeling of Arabia. In these paintings my initial frenzy, perhaps, had caused me to take deep interest, so that I bade Georgina to close the heavy shutters of the room. I wished all this done that I might retire, if not to sleep, at least alternately to the study of these pictures, and the examination of a small novel which had been found upon the pillow, and which alleged to criticise and describe them.

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Long- long I read- and devoutly, devotedly I gazed. Rapidly and amazingly the hours flew by and the deep of midnight came. The position of the lantern displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering beauty, I placed it so as to throw its glow more fully on the book.


But the action produced an effect altogether unanticipated. The rays of the numerous candles (for there were many) now fell within an alcove of the room which had previously been thrown into deep shade by one of the bed-posts. I thus saw ...

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