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Name: Abdul Odud (M)                

Roll no.: 5115

English Coursework

Stepney Green School: 10548


In this essay I shall discuss the importance of Act 1, Scene 3 to the play as a whole.

‘Othello’ is a classic play written by William Shakespeare in the 17th century. The play is about evil, betrayal, trust and demonstrates the society of the time. It also has a classic tragic ending much like ‘Romeo and Juliet’. The main character is Othello, the only black character in the play. Desdemona, a white woman, gives up her family for her love for Othello. It seemed that the ‘noble moor’ had a perfect marriage. This perfect marriage and bond however is destroyed by Iago’s deception and trickery. Iago’s motives are that he wants revenge on Othello promoting Cassio over himself and through planting the seeds of suspicion into the moors mind his marriage dies and in its place jealousy and anger grows to the point of death. Iago is a deceiving, untrustworthy and evil character in the play. As a result of Iago’s evil, not only Othello’s but also other innocent lives are lost.

Act 1 scene 3 opens with the Duke and the Senators in council, they are in a very important meeting about their enemy the “Turks”. The first stage direction in Act 1 Scene 3 is ‘set at a table with lights’. These candle lights are an indication that it is night time because during Shakespeare’s time his plays were all preformed live on stage during the day and the only way to indicate to the audience that it was night was to display a candle to show the absence of light. The Duke and the Senators are worried about the number of Turkish galleys and where they are heading. The number of Turkish ships is not clear because the senator believes there are a ‘hundred and seven galleys’; on the other hand the Duke thinks there’s ‘a hundred and forty’. The Duke and the Senators receive contradictory reports. The destination of the ships approaching has also not been confirmed. A sailor then enters an says:

        “The Turkish preparation makes for Rhodes”

However the Duke knows that the Turkish are trying to create a diversion in order to draw the attention away from Cyprus and says:

        “Nay, in all confidence he’s not for Rhodes”

He also notifies the senators that it is a trick the Turkish are trying to play so that their attack would be a surprise. The fact that the Duke realises this shows he is wise.

        This scene will also attract the attention of the audience because important people of the city are gathered around to talk about something important. The audience will listen carefully to their discussions.

Suddenly there is a dramatic entrance of Brabantio and Othello. The Duke greets Brabantio first “Welcome, gentle signor.” However the Duke straight away concentrates on Othello, that they need to “employ” Othello “against the general enemy Ottoman.” The comparison of how the Duke addresses Othello to Brabantio shows just how well Othello is regarded in Venetian society. The arrival of Brabantio is unexpected but the Duke asks for his “counsel” and “help”.

        The dramatic irony in the play is that the audience know that Brabantio has been cursing Othello because of Othello marrying Brabantio’s daughter, Desdomona. The Senators and the Duke do not know this when Othello and Brabantio enter. Shakespeare gives dramatic impact to their entrance as Brabantio, Othello, Cassio, Iago, Roderigo and officers all enter at once. This rush of all the major characters attracts the attention of the audience, indicating to the audience that something important is about to happen. Brabantio is referred to by name because he is a senator, therefore has a high position in society.

The fact that Othello is referred to as the ‘Moor’ is a sign, which shows the racism of the time. ‘Moor’ is the word used to describe a black person from North Africa. When the first thing the Duke says is ‘Valiant Othello’ the immediate effect on the audience is that the Duke has a very high opinion of Othello. This is also the first and only time someone calls Othello by his name.

        By analysing the first speech made by Brabantio I can see that he is a selfish person because he only cares about himself. He storms into an important meeting regarding the security of Venice, and tells the Duke about his own problems. He then goes on to say that Othello has corrupted Desdomona’s mind against him ‘by spells and medicines bought of mountebanks’. Brabantio even goes to the extent of accusing Othello of using ‘witchcraft’ because Desdomona is ‘not deficient, blind, or lame of sense’ and without witchcraft it is not possible. This shows how much he doesn’t want the marriage of Othello and Desdomona to be accepted and wants the Duke to take some kind of action against Othello.

After being accused of doing black magic and witchcraft on Brabantio’s daughter, Othello makes a very intellectual speech. Othello confirms what he has been accused of and justifies his actions. He tells of how Desdemona fell in love with him, how the only magic he conjured was the tales of his life that he told her. Othello starts his speech to the Duke and senators with a three-part list:

“Most potent, grave, and reverend seniors”

This introduction to his speech shows Othello’s intelligence. I can see that Othello is a modest character by analysing the following sentence within his first reply to the accusations:

        “…Rude am I in my speech

         And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace,

         For since these arms of mine had seven years’ pith”

Othello is not rude in his speech but says it anyway, which expresses his modesty to the audience. Alliteration is also comprised within this sentence because of the repetition of the ‘s’ sound. The use of sibilance also gives the audience a soft and peaceful feeling when they hear it. Othello also echoes Brabantio’s words, which shows he has listened to everything that he’s been accused of and made mental notes, in order to prove Brabantio wrong:

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        “…what drugs, what charms,

         What conjuration and what mighty magic”

Another technique Othello uses, which reassures the audience that he is a knowledgeable man is Othello’s use of iambic pentameters throughout his speech. Shakespeare has made Othello’s speech calm, poetic, respectful and patient to portray Othello’s personality.

        In his speech the audience find out a lot about Othello’s life. What the audience learn about Othello’s life is that he was ‘taken by the insolent foe’ and sold into the slave trade in his ‘boyish days’, he escape and was a soldier for “seven years” and “nine moons.” His ...

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