Presentation of love in Romeo and Juliet compared with Pride and Prejudice

Authors Avatar by mifthaus_salehin (student)

‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ are the two of English literature’s most celebrated and loved stories.  In both cases, the theme of the story is love between a young man and women and the lovers are the main characters about which the rest of the cast or characters in the story revolve.  Although both are romances, in the literal sense of the word, there are numerous differences between them; this essay intends to examine the similarities and differences between the two works, specifically in the way that the idea of love is presented.

‘Romeo and Juliet’, written by the Stratford-Upon-Avon–born playwright William Shakespeare, was first performed on a London stage around 1594, although the actual date cannot be given for certain.  The two title characters are a rich young man from the Italian city of Verona and an even younger girl from a rival family.

Romeo is from the house of Montague, while Juliet is from the house of Capulet, who meet and fall instantly in love; as Romeo says, upon first seeing Juliet, “I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”  This is added to in the sonnet that Romeo shares with Juliet (Act 1 Scene V), in which he says, “My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”  In Shakespeare’s times sonnets were used to express love between two characters in a play to the audience; the words, such as pilgrims, in this sonnet imply that the two lovers love is pure, deep and religious.  However, the political difficulties between the two families mean that “the course of true love ne’er did run smooth” and the “pair of star-cross’d lovers” are forced to hide their love for each other from those around them.  The story ends tragically with them both taking their own lives.  There are three types of love featured in this play: patriarchal, heroic, and romantic love.  ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is considered to be the epitome of a thwarted teenage love story.

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Pride and Prejudice was written by English novelist Jane Austen and was first published in 1813 - over 200 years after the first performance of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and almost 200 years before the present day.  The main character is a young middle-class woman of marriageable age (20 turning 21) called Elizabeth (Lizzy), who is one of five daughters, all of whom are brought up to believe that “a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”.  The second half of this opening sentence of the novel reveals that the “universal truth” ...

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Comparing two pieces of weighty literature will always be challenging; however there is no real comparison occurring in this essay which makes the title a little irrelevant. If comparing texts very specific comparisons have to be made considering both the similarities and differences in the texts. 3 Stars