'Presents from my aunts in Pakistan' - review

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‘Presents from my aunts in Pakistan’

The subject of the poem “Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan” is that, a girl who was born in Pakistan and who has been growing up in England in an English way of life. One day when she was aware that she is going to get some gifts from her beloved aunts living in Pakistan she expected to get some ordinary western style of clothes I.e. denim and corduroy, but unfortunately she received some Pakistani styled clothes I.e. salwar kameez, Indian jewellery and sarees. So, this poem totally describes how she reacted and felt towards the incident happened.

                  The purpose of the poem “Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan” is that the girl who has been described in the poem has been born in Pakistan and brought up in England in the English way of life and in parallel to their style of living. And when she received some gifts from Pakistan in Pakistani style she feels that these things are so far to be worn in England because it’s so far from the English’s style of living in comparison with the Pakistani’s style of living. And when she tried to wear that on in her English styled bedroom she felt like as though there has been an alien in her room. So, the purpose is that how she feels different and as an alien from the gifts received.  

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                             The emotions of this poem are feeling alienation, different, feeling embarrassment, disappointment and love and happiness. The craft of this poem are as follows Line number eighteen says “I could never be lovely as those clothes”. This line prove how much she likes the clothes sent from her aunts in Pakistan and she also proves the happiness she felt from sending her beautiful clothes from her aunts in Pakistan although she was not in the position to wear them on. In line number twenty “I longed ...

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