Pride and Prejudice - How does Jane Austen portray "Elizabeth the Superwoman?"

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Pride and Prejudice -
Lizzy the Superwoman

Jane Austen does indeed portray Elizabeth Bennet as "strong and intelligent, yet bewitching in a completely feminine way". Elizabeth's possession of these attributes: strength of character and moral integrity, great intelligence, and an attractive personality, make her an admirable person, -- or would, if she existed. Yet Elizabeth has faults, which makes her more human. Austen's portrayal of Elizabeth is realistic and masterful, often juxtaposing her with characters lacking her attributes to heighten our appreciation of her.

The claim that Elizabeth is strong is indisputable. The strength of her personal integrity is highly evident in her refusal of Darcy's first marriage proposal. At the time, she believed Darcy to be arrogant and selfish, based on Wickham's account of Darcy's disgraceful behaviour towards him. She was also furious with him for ruining Jane's chance of happiness (through marrying Bingley). Yet, it would have been prudent for her, a girl with only £1,000 and 4% interest annually from it, to marry Darcy, whose estate is worth £10,000 a year. She never wavers, though -- "her intentions did not vary for an instant". The strength of her convictions and loyalty towards her sister made her reject his offer, and with it, probably all possibility of her every marrying "well" and securing a comfortable future. Also, she was not intimidated by Darcy's wealth and high social status, daring to tell him exactly what she thought of him and to risk his anger by offending him -- "You could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it." It is very clear that Elizabeth's principles are uncompromisable. 

Elizabeth is courageous enough to admit being wrong and objectively assess her past behaviour. after reading Darcy's letter, she realised that she had judged him wrongly -- his belief that Jane did not truly love Bingley had some basis in Jane's undemonstrative nature, and Wickham's accusations of him had been all lies. She berated herself for her misjudgements and for being blinded by appearance to Wickham's untrustworthiness, which should have been evident in the discrepancy between his words and actions. She was "absolutely ashamed" of herself, and attained self-knowledge -- "Till this moment I never truly knew myself." She faced up to the unpalatable truth about herself, and determined to change. Her courage and strength are commendable. This is in contrast to, most strikingly, Mr. Collins, who completely lacks the capacity for reflection and self-awareness. The reader laughs at his self-importance and ridiculously obsequious, sycophantic manner.

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Elizabeth also possesses moral strength. She constantly tries to restrain Lydia's frivolity and inability to do what is fitting, or just plain good manners, in what looks to be a losing battle. When Lydia interrupts Collins' reading aloud of a sermon, Elizabeth bids her to hold her tongue. She strongly feels the impropriety and shame of Lydia's constant and avid seeking out of male attention and company. When Lydia is invited by Mrs. Forster to join the regiment in Brighton, Elizabeth endeavours to make her father stop Lydia. Unlike her father, who never restrains Lydia but rather enjoys the sight ...

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