Researching the times during which "The Great Gatsby" is set.

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Denisse Chávez

Pietro Paredes

6 Guam & Puerto Rico

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1) List several items that greatly influenced the life and writing of f. scott fitzgerald.

Other authors of literary fiction have been influenced by The Great Gatsby, for example Ernesto Quinonez, whose novel Bodega Dreams is an adaptation set in Spanish Harlem. Chris Bohjalian's Double Blind contains characters from The Great Gatsby as though they had actually lived, engaging Tom and Daisy Buchanan, Jay Gatsby, even the Wilsons in events in modern life.

2) List the dominant postwar American attitudes and the major movements of the 1920's.

Movements of the 1920s:

Prosperity and Consumerism

Fundamentalism vs. Modernism

Prohibition--authorized by passage of the 18th Amendment in 1919

Postwar American Attitude:

Disillusionment following World War I, particularly among veterans, artists, and intellectuals (the Lost Generation)

Fear of Bolshevism

Fear of foreigners

Rise of the nativist Ku Klux Klan

3) What right did women gain from the passage of the 19th amendment?

In 1918, the House passed the 19th amendment, which gave women full voting rights. the Senate approved the amendment in 1919. in 1920, the states ratified it.

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4)The Roaring Twenties: List three changes that ocurred in 1922.


American actor  is murdered.

 signed between ,,, , and Italy.

5)18th Amendment: What exactly does the 18th Amendment prohibit?

18th amendment It prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.

6)Prohibition: What are three major elements of Prohibition? What were the final results of prohibition?

Manufacture,sale,transportation of alcohol for personal consumption.

Prohibition failed dismally, all the arguments put forward by the Temperance League for its positive effects turning out to be entirely false in practice.It was therefore repealed in 1933.

7)What is speakeasy? Based on information ...

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