Romantic love, physical love, unrequited love, obsessive love......Compare the ways poets have written about love, bringing out different aspects of the theme.

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Joe Jeffrey                          Pre-1914 Poetry Coursework

Romantic love, physical love, unrequited love, obsessive love……Compare the ways poets have written about love, bringing out different aspects of the theme.

Love poems have always been very popular because love is one of the deepest emotions that people can feel and poetry is a good way to express such an emotion.  When people think of love, they think of a typical romantic love but an exploration of pre-1914 love poetry shows other types of love such as unrequited love and obsessive love.  The poems I will explore in depth are ‘To his Coy Mistress’ by Andrew Marvin, ‘The Garden of Love’ by William Blake, and ‘How do I love thee’ by Elizabeth Barrett-Browning.

Blake’s poem ‘The Garden of Love’ is his view of being deceived by the perception of marriage.  He has shown this by using the Chapel to symbolize marriage.  When he gets there he finds ‘Thou shalt not’ written over the door and he thinks this symbolizes restrictions.  He uses the language of the Ten Commandments to emphasize this.  He also finds a gate around the Chapel, symbolizing yet more restrictions.  The tone of the poem is negative and this is unlike the other poems which show a more optimistic view of love. This negative tone is shown by the ‘tombstones’ being where the flowers of the ‘Garden of Love’ should be.  This may have been influenced by the fact that Blake was writing in the time of the French Revolution which was a time of great social upheaval and uncertainty. Also this poem is part of Blake’s ‘Songs of Experience’ where he goes back to some earlier ideas and finds hat things that seemed good when he was younger are not so good when you grow older.

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Another poem with a negative tone is ‘Villegiature’ by Edith Nesbit who was writing after Blake. This poem is not about the restrictions of marriage but about a possible romance that has fallen apart.  Blake’s poem seems darker though because he mentions ‘graves’ and ‘tombstones’ which relate to death.  Nesbit seems to make fun of her love life by using lines like ‘remember how you always bore me’.  Nesbit’s poem does not make use of he symbols that Blake uses which makes her poem easier to understand.

Andrew Marvell’s poem ‘To his Coy Mistress’ takes a more positive ...

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