Poetry Analysis
The romantic era rose out of and in response to the logical, more retrained forms of literature composed in the age of reason. It promoted the exploration of creativity in thinking, the joys of discovery and the enthusiasm and wonder evoked by mans complex relationship with nature. John Keats “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” in the latter part of the Romantic period yet accurately reflects many of the above mentioned ideas. In this poem, the excitable young poet passionately recounts his joyous response to “looking” at the ancient works of Homer (as translated by an Englishman). Typically for the Romantics, Keats uses comparisons, imagery and tone to demonstrate his feelings and reflects the aspects of Romanticism through the use of poetic techniques. As this essay will now show.
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Although there are some apt points made in this essay it is too short a response and needs further development. Language, structure and form are all touched upon but they all need further exploration. 3 Stars