romeo and juliet

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How does Shakespeare use dramatic devices in act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet in order to make it such an interesting, exciting and important scene?


By aliyah shaikh

Romeo and Juliet is the world’s most famous drama of tragic and young love. Defying the feud between the Capulet and Montague’s, which divides their families. Romeo the son of Montague and Juliet the daughter of Capulet, enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of tragic losses and vengeful events, brings them to suicidal deaths.

This then makes both families realise that there hate was the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death; and brings us in to new light, which show us that the family feud has now ended. Coincidentally this view is also shared by Prince Escalus,

“Capulet, Montague: see what scourge is laid upon your hate, that heaven finds means to kill your joy with love...”

This play is considered one of Shakespeare tragedies because the hero and heroine – Romeo and Juliet, die due to their situation and unfortunate circumstances that are beyond their control. We see this through many aspects of the play, when Romeo’s dear friend Mercutio is murdered at the hands of Tybalt; which leads to Romeo seeking his vengeance and killing Tybalt, despite Tybalt being his new wife’s cousin. At the end of the play, we acknowledge the unfortunate deaths of two star-crossed lovers due to misunderstandings and fate.

A variety of themes are used within the play, these are evident through the themes of love, fate and hate. Love is mainly a common aspect of Romeo, which is proven when Romeo is love- obsessed with Rosalind and craves to meet her. This eventually ends up with him falling deeply in love with Juliet, and soon in a marital bond. Romeo is also shown to express his love for Tybalt when there is an atmosphere of hate and tension.

The theme of fate is merely linked to hate and conflict between the two families. We know this directly from the play, when Romeo blames fate for him killing Tybalt. This leads to hate intertwined with co-incidence. For example Romeo wouldn’t have killed Tybalt, if Tybalt hadn’t killed Mercutio.


The social and historical context of the play must be taken into account during this analysis. The fact that early and arranged marriages were common during this period meant that Juliet was prepared for an early relationship; also the honour of the family was very important in the period because high status families had prestige and were well known, and therefore they had to uphold their status within the eyes of the public. The Elizabethans believed that love made a man effeminate; this is shown in the scene where Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt but ends up killing him. “O sweet Juliet thy beauty hath made me effeminate...”

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A big part of family honour was street fights because it was a way of dealing with disputes. Also the law and order was extremely weak, which meant that some fights were often quite lethal.

This scene fits in to the play as a whole, as it is the great turning point. Where all the things that the audience has dreaded occurs and from this point onwards, the audience realises that the whole story, plot and situation changes. For example, when Romeo kills Tybalt, the audience knows that his relationships will never be the same. We get the evidence ...

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