Romeo and Juliet - how Juliet develops through the play.

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Romeo and Juliet

The Elizabethan society was patriarchal, meaning that men were considered to be the leaders and women their inferiors. Women were regarded as "the weaker sex", not just in terms of physical strength, but emotionally too.  It was believed that women always needed someone to look after them. This is when our play is set so in theory Juliet should obey rules, but as we find out she does not always obey the times of the day just because she is a woman. Throughout this essay, I am going analyse the transformation of Juliet.  

The Prologue tells us that the prince is effectively wasting his time even thought he does not know it. So this shows the theme of destiny, linking to the prologue: “star cross'd lovers.” This tells the audience that the pair of lovers are not meant to be together even before the play starts. We know from the start that she is going on a journey that will result in her transformation

Juliet’s character in the beginning of the story conveys that she is a very obedient child, this is illustrated by, “Madam, I am here what is your will?” This conveys that Juliet is devoting herself to whatever may be asked of her. Also, the word “Madam” tells us that her family is of higher status in her house than others, so she is respectful and selfless. In this scene Juliet is also referred to as a lamb: “I bade her come, what lamb.” This reference to a lamb means that she is still young, it additionally shows purity. This is important, because later on in this scene they talk about marriage even though Juliet is so young. It also implies she is still in need of guidance.

When Romeo arrives uninvited at the masked ball in act 1 scene 5, we start to see a change; this leads to the development of her character because her views on love change and, so does her personality.

When Romeo meets Juliet, he wants to kiss her, concluding in Juliet starting to flirt with him, so she is learning about love: “Lips that they must use in prayer.” by saying this, Juliet is making a point that lips should not be used in kissing. This shows that she knows what is right, but even this does not stop her from kissing him. This shows that she is becoming more independent and acting on what she wants, rather than what anybody else wants. Her innocence appears to be slipping as she is flirtatious and disregards expectations of herself.

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When Romeo’s eyes fall upon Juliet, she is perceived as a woman and not as a girl this is illustrated by “As a rich jewel in ethiop's ear.” This simile shows that she is now perceived as a very beautiful, young woman. A jewel suggests she beautiful and this is a trait typical of a woman and not a child so Shakespeare is hinting at her development. This shows that she is breaking the stereotype as shown in the first scene. Her being perceived as a women is quite different than in the begin of this play when she ...

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A very thorough answer to the question. Some attempts to use topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs and remains focused on the question throughout. Evidence of planning in the logical and chronological structure. Shows knowledge and understanding of play and social/historical context. Generally employs PEA and usually includes quotes to support argument. A few lapses in expression but generally clearly written.