Shakespeare's presentation of Hamlet

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It was a popular belief during Elizabethan times that if a man had been wronged and the state failed to see that justice was done, a son's duty was to take it into his own hands and seek revenge. Shakespeare presents Hamlet as a typical revenge play of the time, where the central character, Hamlet, has a duty to avenge his father's death. In Hamlet, Fortinbras and Laertes are also seen as revenge heroes, but in character contrast Hamlet in how he acts on his duty. This contrast highlights that whereas Fortinbras and Laertes are simplistic conventional revenge heroes, Hamlet on the other hand has the conventional features of a revenge hero, but is also seen as so much more. This is due to his awareness of religious principles and despite being Protestant, at times makes slight transitions to Catholic ideas. It is also due to his constant contemplation of the effects of his actions, rationalising the situation he is put in.

Fortinbras is presented as a typical king who lives up to the reputation of his father with the aim to "recover [the lands]/So by his father lost". His aim is put into practice; Fortinbras, after threatening to invade Denmark, succeeds in doing so and is thereby fulfilling his role as a revenge hero. Similarly with Laertes, in the discovery of finding his father, Polonius, being murdered by Hamlet, he immediately takes on the role of an uncomplicated revenge hero, compelled to make Hamlet suffer as soon as is possible. Both of these characters are not complete conventional revenge heroes, as they do not experience the key stages one traditionally went through. For example, an appearance of a Ghost and a significant delay of their actions are lacking. Hamlet however, not only is a complete typical avenger being called upon by the Ghost to settle the murder Claudius committed, but is also presented as being much more; by the end he is an exclusive, heroic individual.

Hamlet is completely different to Fortinbras and Laertes because of his character. Fortinbras is a man comfortable in his position; Horatio describes him as having "most emulate pride" for being "Fortinbras of Norway", so we can see that he is a natural avenger who holds the key values of pride, duty and respect, having a strong passion to restore his father's honour. Hamlet does not share the same feelings as Fortinbras, shown in his first soliloquy. Hamlet says Claudius is "no more like my father/Than I to Hercules". His reference to being so far from like Hercules reveals that he does not possess a thrive for being powerful with natural vengeance. It is true that he does go through the key stages of a conventional revenge hero: an interaction with a Ghost, delaying their actions in order for there to be a play, and playing madness in the delay, but Shakespeare puts this play forward as a far more complex revenge tragedy due to Hamlet's consideration of his confused religious beliefs and his extended inability to act due to moral complications.
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The confrontation between Hamlet and his Catholic father as a Ghost is the beginning of Hamlet's journey to being a revenge hero. The Ghost describes his stay in purgatory, a place that is common to Catholic belief, as his "foul crimes...are burnt and purged away". However, Hamlet is Protestant especially as he attends Wittenberg University and so the Ghost provides confusion for his religious beliefs particularly as he trusts the Ghost in what it reveals about Claudius. The confusion Hamlet experiences is reflected in his soliloquies, where he displays his unnerved feeling about what comes with death after ...

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This essay is reasonably well written and there are no grammatical or spelling errors. However the candidate has not discussed Shakespeare’s use of linguistic techniques such as metaphors and syntax (the use of questions). This is something that you must include in your essay in order to achieve a higher grade.

The candidates level of analysis is weak, they haven’t used enough quotations from the play and there are times in which they have not used quotations to back up their opinions or discuss the characters thoughts and feelings, which is the conventional way of analysing a play. Furthermore there are times in which the candidates simply retells parts of the story which is something you want to avoid. It can be helpful to write a plan before you start your essay so that you know what you plan to discuss, you can then go on to find relevant quotes that add to your discussion. The candidate could also have improved the quality of their discussion by mentioning relevant background information, in this case you could discuss how the play would have been perceived at the time or you could discuss family life at the time that this play was written. By taking the time to do research, you demonstrate an ability to work independently, you show enthusiasm towards your subject and the extra information you discuss can make your essay more enjoyable to read. On a final note, the candidate’s conclusion could be greatly improved. When writing your conclusion you should summarise your key points with reference to why this are relevant and then link this back to your title so that you tie together any loose ends and bring your essay to an appropriate close. In addition to this, you need to give a personal response to the play, again this should be relevant to the title of your essay. For example, if the title of your essay is a question, you should use evidence from the play and your own opinions to answer that question.

This essay is an example of a fairly simplistic response and there several areas for improvement. For example, this piece of work does not have a title, therefore it is immediately unclear what this essay is going to be about, it is important that you give an appropriate title to your essay. Furthermore, the candidates introduction could be improved as it drags on a bit, you want your introduction to be short and to the point. It is important to introduce topic but you only need a few sentences on this. An essential part of your introduction is stating exactly what you plan to discuss so that the purpose of your essay is clear and this is something that the candidate fails to do.