Another point is that monarchies today are becoming an increasingly rare thing and in that we still have ours we should be proud to be individual and different to other countries. These days all we seem to be are sheep as we keep following many European and North American countries in our actions and I think that this time it is time to make a stand.
Thirdly, the monarchy is the one point in British society that everyone can group together around in times of crisis. This has been the case for hundreds of years and I hope will continue to be the case for many years to come. The monarchy is a central, solid point of our country which we always seem to need when times get hard.
I think a lot of people would want the monarchy eradicated because they are useless for the public they don’t do anything for anyone but the media would not like it because they are big news and people like to read about what the monarchy have done bad so it worth a lot of money to the media.
The monarchy can also be a very useful thing in the time of political turmoil. As the Queen has absolute power and yet at the same time virtually no power, she can halt any bad movement in parliament.
Even though this is a very extreme scenario, there are other ones that can be thought of, with the monarchy holding the power to restore order once more. Another good thing is that although the monarchy has this power, they rarely use it at all. If there were people who rule over everything that would be terrible so we have to find a line where parliament can rule as well as the monarchy.
I suppose I should look at the reasons that people have for getting rid of the monarchy so here I go. There is the point that the monarchy is very expensive to maintain and I have to agree with this. There are many millions of pounds that some people will say
are wasted every year on the monarchy and I think that a trim up would do the monarchy a lot of good.
By this I mean that there are so many hangers on in the monarchies that have some very thin blood connections to the ruling family and I think that these people should get kicked out to lighten the load.
Other reasons for disbanding the monarchy are that it is out of touch with the modern society and in that respect I have to agree with the point but then have to point out why. They are out of touch because (A) (It would seem very strange and probably very inappropriate) if the future king (William) happened to be a far out skater/surfer kid who likes controversial music such as Eminem.
(B)The second reason is that they are so protected that they cannot keep in touch with the present. For example, the royal children cannot go out without plenty of protection (and that makes it almost not worth going out somewhere) and what would people think if the Queen went to Bingo each week?
I think people would choose the traditional monarchy to a modern 'hip' and modern one. Overall I think we should keep the royal family as they are a British icon which stands for some much of British history.