do the writers use presentational devices to show the ogre is good and the prince is evil

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                Lydia Dale 11R

In traditional, ogres are man-eating beasts. The prince usually rescues the Princess; they marry and live happily ever after: they marry and live happily ever after .How do the makers of ‘Shrek’ use presentational devices to reverse the tradition, to reveal the ogre as good and the prince as evil

In the traditional fairy tale the format usually follows the format of the prince rescuing his love from her terrible predicament. She inevitably waits for him weak and helplessly. The ‘goodies’ are the height of beauty and the ‘baddies’ have hit every branch on the way down from the ugly tree.

`Shrek” is unlike traditional fairy tales and is a complete reversal of traditional writing methods. Unlike traditional fairy tales, the creators of Shrek have used an Ogre (usually known as vicious man-eating monsters) to be the hero. This has been used to help create comedy and an interesting, if unconventional, story line. Along with a series of characters who appear to be playing each others roles and magical creatures behaving strangely, the film is like a fairy tale which is completely opposite of what the audience first expects.

        The tale is set in the town of Dulock situated in a land where the traditional format of fairytale is thrust upon its head, a place of complete role reversal where characters struggle with their fairy tale stereotypes, creating a tale that challenges the core concepts and traditions of the fairytale.

              The films begins in the style of a traditional fairytale, with the main character Shrek opening a large leather bound book with  pages telling the story of a handsome prince who rescues a princess from a tall tower. The audience could be lured into thinking that this is to be plot for the film. Their misconception is only realized when after seeing ‘and they all lived happily ever after’ Shrek slams shut the book saying “like that’s ever gonna happen.” The creators of Shrek add rap music at this section of the scene. From this point as an audience we are informed that it is not going to be any ordinary fairytale. The technique of this misdirection is used effectively to create interest and intrigue the audience.

The traditional observation of an Ogre would probably condemn him as being evil, murdering, scary and vulgar. The creators of Shrek certainly present him as vulgar and disgusting though Shrek does appear to posses just the qualities of the traditional ogre alone. At the commencement of the film we see him perform quite human tasks such as showering and brushing his teeth, however he uses slime for toothpaste and showers in mud. This fuses the characteristics of both ogre and human to create a humorous character when Shrek goes to bathe in the pond he breaks wind. A fish rises to the surface thus adding comedy to Shrek’s vulgar habits. The music track that is played over the top of the action has also a feel of light heartedness and humour further displaying Shrek as a good character. Throughout the tale it becomes clear that all the characters are trying to fit into their roles and the stereotypes of their character throughout the film.

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 Shrek lives alone in his swamp. He believes he should have to live alone as he is an ogre. When the town’s people come after him with pitch forks aloft to try and detain Shrek he acts meticulously like the traditional ogre threatening to “grind your bones for my bread”. The mood of the villagers turns from raucous to stunned.Shrek then tells the visitors” this is the part where you run”. After the villagers have fled the area shrek returns to his house. Almost like an actor who has just come off stage or finished his shift as if his ...

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