Songs of Suicide.

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Ghost Story

Songs of Suicide

As usual, nearly all the children loved lunch time. The younger children played small games, and the older boys would enjoy a friendly game of football, showing off to the girls, and the girls would chat and laugh about the rumours they had heard over the weekend, looking at the boys and decided who they thought were best looking or who they thought were really nice. As usual, the teachers would shout across the field, at the group of kids standing in the corner, lighting up a regular cigarette and as usual, there were the group of good people, or bofs as they were often called by the rest of the school, as they hid their heads in a book, and giggled at the site of a boy.

But Everyone had their friendship groups, some clever, some stupid, some friendly, some not, but everyone had their friendship groups, except Justin. Justin was often referred to as a loner, or a weirdo or something that you wouldnt really like to be named. He sat in the corner of the cloakroom every lunch, every break, and in lessons, he wouldnt answer if any one talked to him, he would just look at then plainly, as if he couldnt see them, as if they were a ghost. He was always very pale, and always kept to himself, listening to his music, and writing in a small blue book who no one had ever read or seen except himself. He was a clever child, but the only lesson he seemed to participate in were music lessons. He wrote his way through books and books of songs, poems and lyrics, and could play any instrument which was presented to him. But he never seemed to be prepared to show his talent to anyone.

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‘Oi, Justin, give us ya book, or ya diary, or whatever it is,’ yelled mark across the field, and everyone watched and laughed at Justin, calling names and making fun out of him, not being aware of his feelings. Justin just turned away and carried on scribbling notes into his book, and then stopping, chewed his pen for a while, scribbled some words out, then wrote down another sentence, then smiled to himself, drew a line and turned the page.

The bell rang and people started trailing into the classrooms, mumbling words as the bofins ran past and ...

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