Starting With AClose Analysis Of Chapter 5 Discuss The Relationship Between VictorFrankenstein And The Creature.

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Laura Munera English coursework

Starting With A Close Analysis Of Chapter 5 Discuss The Relationship Between Victor Frankenstein And The Creature.

Frankenstein is a pre 1914 gothic/romantic novel written by Mary Shelley with the intention of creating a ghost story she drifted into a deeper more touching genre which handles emotion, stereotypical issues (judging by appearance) and even philosophical aspects. As Mary Shelley set of to write the novel she declared a desire and necessity 'to make the reader curdle the blood and quicken the beating of the heart'. Within Frankenstein scientific knowledge is questioned and explored, Victor Frankenstein is shown to have used Electricity to inflict life on the creature 'I might infuse a SPARK of being into the lifeless thing...' Mary Shelley uses the word spark in relation to the use of electricity showing the 'technological' development of the time.

As chapter 5 begins Mary Shelley effectively uses Pathetic fallacy by describing the night as 'a dreary night of November ...the rain pattered dismally against the window panes' by choosing this description the reader is given a sense of unease and presumes things are not going to go well.
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As Victor is preparing for the final stages of his work he describes the feelings of 'anxiety almost amounting to agony' almost as if he predicts the actions which are now to take place, as he says ' I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse life o n the lifeless thing that lay at my feet' reading this the reader gets the impression that victor feels superior to normal man as he himself believes that he obtains the 'instruments of life' and is looking down at this being which is 'laying at his ...

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