One of our solutions to this on growing problem is simply support. The teenager needs to know that the guardian loves him or her and is there for them. Remind him that no matter how awful his problems seem, they can be worked out, and you are willing to help. It may take a little bit of time to change the teenagers mind on the subject. But it does save a few lives and those are results that we need in this world. Other parents and guardians try this simple solution and find great results.
Another great solution is to recognize the problem before it starts. Some of the most effective teen suicide prevention programs consist of identifying and treating the problem. Behavior problems (such as controlling aggressive and impulsive behavior), substance abuse problems, and learning disorders can be difficult for a teenager to cope with, leading to helplessness and discouragement, which in turn can turn to self-destructive thoughts in order to make an escape from the seemingly insurmountable pressures of life. Also again your support as a teenager you know enters therapy can help him or her more effectively recover and know that there are people who want to help him or her deal with the issues of life. This way of solving the problem works ninety nine percent of the time, because there are professionals and doctors helping the teenager all the time. This is indeed one of the best methods for dealing with a suicidal teen.
Overall, what we must do is recognize the problem in advance. That way we can contain it and attempt to control the teenager by supporting him or her. Let them know we are here to help them in any way possible. It would take a plethora of your time and patience, but in the end you will have your loving child back. They will be grateful to you for being there for them in their time of need.
It is imperative that we look into this issue at once. The lives of our youth are at stake here. We must push this matter to the top of our to-do list. We must recognize the problem before it starts, and we must support the youth to eliminate this major problem. Just think about this; how much do you really care about your child? How far are you willing to go to help him?