Teenage experiance in romeo and juliet

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Teenage experience essay – ‘Romeo and Juliet’

June 16, 2009

How the Teenage experience was portrayed in Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Shakespeare's play, "The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet", is perhaps the most famous love story ever told, and is in turn one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. The title, "Romeo and Juliet", has become synonymous with the idea of ‘intense romance’ or ‘tragedy’. The story it tells almost epitomizes these two ideas - a tragic tale of love between two people from rival families. Part of what allows the events in the play to unfold as they do is that the characters of Romeo and Juliet are teenagers, and their experiences as such are a very important part of the play. The story is crafted with a degree of melodrama which emphasizes the incredible passion felt for one another by Romeo and Juliet. Although the concept of being a teenager did not exist during Shakespearean time, this is still relevant to this particular play, because of the age they got married and the way there attitudes toward elders change throughout the play. Many themes were explored in this play such as; The Forcefulness of Love, Love as a Cause of Violence, The Individual Versus Society, The Inevitability of Fate.

The conflict with the parents is portrayed throughout this play. Even though many teenagers are very close to their parents, Romeo seems to be more attached to the Friar than his father. Not once are him and lord Montague shown together on stage, and when he decides to marry Juliet he consults the friar instead of his father. Naturally a man would go to his father for marriage guidance, especially at such a tender age’ On the other hand, Juliet seems very close to both her parents, but she seems more connected to the nurse, who has taken care of her from a young age, ‘…and I might live to see thee married once,’ this quote says that the nurse has one wish and that is to see Juliet get married in her lifetime, usually a mother would say this. She is shown on stage with her parents many times. Her mother is usually the one to tell her big news, such as her marriage proposal from Paris, and the marriage date of when Juliet, and Paris would be married. Like when they had decided for her to marry Paris Lady Capulet told Juliet the news and not Lord Capulet. Whenever father and daughter are shown together on stage they seem to be in conflict. But the real change comes after she meets Romeo.  At first, when Juliet is asked if she would marry the “valiant Paris” she said she will think about it ’it is an honor that I dream not of/I’ll look to like/but no more deep will I endart mine eye,’(act 1 scene 3 lines 67, 98-99) but will have to meet him first. Both these statement were spoken by Juliet, after lady Capulet had spoken highly of Paris. But after she gets married, and is once again asked to marry Paris she says ’I will not marry yet, and when I do, I swear/ It shall be Romeo, whome I hate, Rather than Paris.’ This quote shows that she will not marry because of the fact that she is deeply in love with Romeo. This also shows that she is rebelling more and more against authority.

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During the period when a person is a teenager they usually experience their first love. Romeo’s first love was for someone who he had only seen. He talked of her using Pertrachan’s Love Conventions. He used oxymorons and superlatives to describe her ‘loving hate/cold fire’ (167,171 pages 13, 15). Both these quotes represent oxymorons and even though Romeo thinks he loves Rosalind, but for gets her once he meets Juliet.  When he sets sights on Juliet his thinking for her is completely opposite to that of how he thought towards Juliet. When the first spoke the finished each other’s ...

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There is a good opening paragraph with some useful exploration of the relationships between Romeo and Juliet and their parents, but it is not well structured and, in parts, drifts away from the requirements of the essay prompt into narrative summary of the plot. Paragraph management is quite good, with each paragraph following a theme of the analysis, but there are frequent errors in sentence construction and grammar. 3 stars