The Assassin

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                                                                       The Assassin 

He stood alone in the dilapidated old home. The shadows were gathered and the man in the moon was screaming in agony. His face was expressionless, with eyes as sharp as a spinning needle, His skin was pasty white. The television emitted a soft glow upon his face, highlighting his pupils. In his hand, was as blade, long and sharp, The very point was shimmering as he slid the cloth up and down the side of the machete-like knife, he pulled his slimy, greasy lips back over his yellow stained teeth and smiled.

                     He sat in his armchair in front of the television and slid the knife into the holder around his waist.

                     Then a loud ringing pierced the silence, He picked up the receiver and a shadowed, scratchy voice began to give him details; “11:45, Elm Street,” He carried on, “He’s a “6’2”ft dark haired guy; He will be wearing a suit and will be carrying a gun”. He was waiting for one last detail “£16,000”. Then he dropped the phone and looked at the clock, “10:55pm” He left for Elm Street.

                      The night was cold; snow fell gently, giving the road a smooth, white blanket. The car engine purred as he sat waiting and watching. The victim was seen, the engine was stopped. He stepped out of the car and began to walk to where the victim’s car was parked. Both men were headed to the parked car. The victim was a middle-aged man, shivering in the cold. When they both reached the car, the Assassin walked up to the victim from behind. There was a flash of steel, a blood boiling scream and a final splash of blood. Then there was silence.

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                    6 Weeks later.

                    Punchenello’s hotel. It was old and beaten up. Most of the guests were drug addicts, drug dealers or prostitutes. On the top floor were two men; the first was Mr.Punchenello and the other was one of his men, Jack Finito, “ He took out Louie, cut a great hole n his back.” “We gotta get this guy boss” Louie Punchenello was getting frustrated,

“Ok, ok, ok! I know just the guy to pop him, leave it ...

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