The choice, the option, the decision of marriage is one that I have been currently making and via the thoughts and conclusions of, specifically philosophers, I have been able to successfully develop my own.

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 “There is one possibility in interpersonal existence in which meanings of romance and friendship may interpenetrate to such an extent that a new world can evolve marked by deep personal happiness and fulfillment; this possibility is to be found in marriage” (Sadler 339).  The choice, the option, the decision of marriage is one that I have been currently making and via the thoughts and conclusions of, specifically philosophers,  I have been able to successfully develop my own.

        Many have concluded that the origin and true meaning of marriage strictly is directed towards an extremely pragmatic lifestyle.  This point of view attempts to strip the concept of matrimony from any sense of emotion.  This seems to be more of an attempt to ignore any sentiment towards any want or any need, simply to communally create and permit an opportunity for this race  to rise and prosper to the greatest of extent.  Emotion in this case only serves to slow and deter one’s efficiency and mind.  “Obviously modern marriage has lost all rationality…the rationality of marriage lays in its indissolubility in principle.  With our growing indulgence for marrying for love , we have eliminated  the very foundation of marriage, that which first makes an institution out of it.  An institution is never , ever founded on an idiosyncrasy; marriage as I said is not founded on ‘love’—it is founded on the sex drive, on the drive for property (woman and child as property), on the drive for domination which constantly organizes the smallest unit of domination—the family” (Nietzsche 76).   Marriage has been discouraged on many accounts mostly because of its disruption towards individual rights and lives.  “Even at  its best, the marital relationship as Kant portrays it is fundamentally a system of mutual exploitation: Each partner uses the other  by taking advantage of the other’s vulnerabilities. The man victimizes the woman’s physical and intellectual weakness , which is ramified in her position of social and economic dependence.  The woman uses her  allurement, emotional sensitivity, and self-control to play on the man’s passions and affections.  Love as a natural inclination depends on the superiority  of the lower over the beloved.; reciprocal love therefore always depends  on a kind of mutual superiority, in which each partner  has some decisive advantage over the other” (Kurks 257).  Hegel, on the other hand, rejects the Kant’s notion that marriage is nothing more than a “civil contract”.  “He contends, rather, that this contract being the legal and formal expression of the free consent that constitutes the  

‘ objectives origin’ of marriage, is indispensable. Precisely by contracting ( as bearers of individual rights) to become “man and wife,” men and women enter freely into marriage.  Hegel also maintains that the marital contract is unique.  It is in his view, ‘a contract to transcend the standpoint  of contract’ is the standpoint  from which people are viewed as bearers of individual rights.  The sense in which men and women “transcend” this standpoint  when they contract to marry is that they agree to enter a relationship  in which neither relates to the other as a bearer of individual rights.  According to Hegel, this is a crucial part of what agreeing to marry involves.  In his view, the internal life of the family (modern as well as traditional) falls outside the realm of individual rights” (Hardiman 178,179)  Hegel in no way completely ignores the element of feeling in a union such as marriage but he thoroughly believes that the true and genuine center of  the agreement and proceeding to marry is logic and reason. . . . Hegel disparages  the modern romantic notion  that the essential thing about marriage is  “being in love”.  Undoubtedly personal inclination cannot be ignored.  But to put exclusive emphasis upon this is to base marriage entirely upon subjective feeling.  No doubt marriage is based upon feeling, but only upon feeling which has reason at its core”. Therefore meaning that marriage, like any other “ethical institution”, is directly based on reason.

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        Aristotle lays women down many levels below any man.  The stigma of  inferiority stapled on women is in a sense a rare achievement for mankind. “Woman is an unfinished  man, left nature superior, and the female inferior; the one rules and the other is  ruled, and this principle extends, of necessity, to all mankind”(Stace 410)  It is suggested that a man of thirty-seven consider marrying a woman early in her twenties because they will both simply be at the same level mentally and socially. “ What attracts Aristotle to this matrimonial mathematics is the consideration that two such disparate persons ...

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