In the play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, set in Salem Massachusetts in 1692, there are many characters, of which John Proctor is very important. Arthur Miller has tried very hard to create John Proctor as a heroic figure throughout the play especially in act 4. This essay will describe and explain whether or not Arthur was successful in doing this.
The play was written by Arthur Miller in 1953, at the time of the anti- communism in USA. It is very ironic that this play was based on the Salem witchcraft trials at the time of the anti-communism. When the Salem witchcraft trials took place, then anyone who confessed of being a witch and being connected with Lucifer- the Devil, and also gave another person’s name, or lots of other names then they were let off and were not hanged. If however a person did not confess and stayed adamant, then they were hung to death. Similarly, during the McCarthy trials, if a person was accused, and they gave another person’s name then they would be free to go and if they didn’t, then they were put into prison. In my opinion, the Crucible was written at this time because in the Crucible, at the end every one realised that whatever was happening was incorrect and in the same way Arthur Miller may have wanted to show this through writing the play at such a time.
In the end of act 3, John Proctor is arrested and accused of being “…the Devil’s man!” This is said by Mary shortly after Abigail and her friends pretended to see Mary’s spirit in the town hall attacking them. In act 4, John Proctor decides to falsely confess to witchcraft, because when he was with Elizabeth, talking and her trying to convince him, he told her he was thinking about confessing and asked Elizabeth about it too. Even she wanted him to live, so indirectly she was going to lead him onto the path of lies, something that was strictly forbidden in the Puritan society of Salem at that time in history. At this crucial and most important part of the play, both Elizabeth and John Proctor have changed very much and so has their behaviour towards each other. In act 2, we can see that Elizabeth has a very cold attitude towards John. ” I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. I never thought of you but a good man, john- only somewhat bewildered.” To which John replied, “Oh Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer!” this part of the play shows that Elizabeth was still very deeply hurt about the fact that John and Abigail were having an affair while she was unwell. However, towards the end of the play especially act 3 and 4, Elizabeth and John proctor become closer as Elizabeth is pregnant. John Proctor then decides that it is best that he confessed to witchcraft. Elizabeth is proud of John and supports his decision for he wants to live for his children and wife. This scene is said to portray john proctor as a heroic figure because he confesses to something that is false and wants to live his life with his wife and children.