The Crucible - Heros,and Villains: Choose two characters from the play that you feel might loosely fit these two categories. Consider how Miller reveals the type of characters people are in the play.

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GCSE 20th Century Drama Course Work

The Crucible

Drama is often made interesting to the theatre audience by the author using characters of a certain type (Hero, Villain). Choose two characters from the play that you feel might loosely fit these two categories. Consider how Miller reveals the type of characters people are in the play.

Arthur Miller was born on October 17th 1915 in New York City (U.S.A). He graduated from high school in 1932. As there was no money for university, he work for two years as a shipping clerk and in an automobile-parts warehouse in Manhattan, then he applied to the University of Michigan in 1934. He studied economics, history and play writing. When he graduated in 1938, he worked in Brooklyn Navy Yard, at the same time writing for radio. His first successful sage play was “ All My Sons” which opened in 1947 and ran for 328 performance. This was followed by the even more successful play “Death of a Salesman”, which opened in January 1949. In the middle of the McCarthy political witch hunt he produced “The Crucible” in 1953 a play based on historical fact it’s theme is universal on the moral rights of a person in an immoral society. The play has always been play in the exact historical context with puritan clothes and similar settings.

        An organisation called Un-American Activities Committee was formed in 1938, under the leadership of Senator Joseph McCarthy. It had the power to investigate any movement or person who apparently threatened the state. They became almost paranoid searching for communist sympathisers in the late 40s and 50s. The committee began to link in miller’s mind with witchcraft trails, which had taken place in the town of Salem two centuries before. For example, the committee often had in its possession list of people at various meetings. Miller saw these public confessions as parallels with the naming of names at Salem in 1692.

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As a result of amateur dabbling in the super natural by a group of adolescent girls in Salem Massachusetts in 1692. Many jails were filed with men and women accused of witchcraft. Twenty people were hanged. To understand this phenomenon, we have to remember that the inhabitants of Salem believed in witches and the Devil and believed the Bile had instructed them that witches must be hanged.

A West Indian slave called Tituba joined the girls, with her spells and beliefs. Mrs Putnam, seven whose children died on the nights of their births who were all males, and ...

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