The Falling Man

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Kat MacAskill

The Falling man

As I sat at the breakfast table I was wondering how many oats we eat in a lifetime. My fiancée, Rebecca, was making a cooked breakfast for me- I could smell the bacon and feel the heat of the stove on my back as I heard the sausages sizzling in the pan. I got up, gave her a hug and asked how long breakfast would be. She said it would be about ten minutes, so I went and got dressed for work, but we needed the extra money for our wedding in two weeks time. When I came down to eat Rebecca gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me I needed to shave, so I obediently went back upstairs and had a shave.

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As I ate my breakfast, I noticed how big she had become, and I thought to myself “only one month to go and we will have a bouncing baby boy. I hope his room will turn out well.” We were going to be decorating his room this weekend; it was going to be baby blue, with large fluffy clouds on the ceiling and green fields rolling away on the lower half of the wall. My mother was an interior decorator when she worked and I had persuaded her to come and help, even though she didn’t really understand why ...

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