The Glass Menagerie
By Tennessee Williams
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, set in St. Louis, America during the depression of the 1930s is an influential and stirring play. The play is formed with four characters. Amanda, Tom, Laura and Mr.Wingfield. Amanda is the mother of Tom and Laura, Amanda’s son and daughter. Amanda is also the widow of Mr. Wingfield because Mr. Winfield left her sixteen years ago with Tom and Laura. Tom is a poet with a hunger for adventure and has a great desire to escape from the prison environment his mother has created for him at her home. Laura cannot be well described in the passage as she only has one line to say in the script provided. This script can show many key points about the characters and their relationship with one another.
Amanda in this passage is seen as a person who wants total domination, total control over things that happen in and around her household. She can also be seen as a person who is frustrated and is angered by people who try to stand up to her and fail to comply with her demands. Her name Amanda means “worthy of being loved” conversely it can also mean that if she is deprived of loving regard that she can be a totally evils person, a witch as in Tom’s words. For Example” You will hear more, you-“, “I’m not through talking to you” the first quote has the word “will” written in italics suggesting that it is said in a harsh voice indicating the dominating effect of Amanda. The second quote shows clearly Amanda ordering Tom and also the anger she has against Tom because Tom doesn’t want to go down under the grip of her mother. This also further strengthened by Amanda’s comment: you’re going to listen, and no more insolence from you. Amanda is person who has come from the Southern parts of America where she lived a life of elegant living conditions and social beliefs. She still lives in this past and lacks a sense of reality in her life. It is due to this fact that she has a self belief that it is Tom’s moral obligation is to provide as a substitute head of the family.