The Juxtaposition of the sacred and the erotic is typical of the miller's style of story telling. With reference to the extract (lines 540-548), discuss the narrative technique employed in this tale

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The Juxtaposition of the sacred and the erotic is typical of the miller’s style of story telling. With reference to the extract (lines 540-548), discuss the narrative technique employed in this tale

The Miller has employed the technique of the juxtaposition of the sacred and erotic in this tale for effect as it is offensive yet humorous and entertaining. Juxtaposition is the combining of two different improbable ideas next to each other which is used to generate great contrast and shock, thus it makes this technique very successful.

        In the prologue, the Miller states that he will tell a ‘legend and a lyf.’ This indicates that his story would evolve around the life of saints and it also implies pious narratives. However, this is not true as his tale is not about saints but is rather a story in the form of a bawdy fabliau. This is foreshadowing the fact that the Miller will parody religious themes in his tale. Fabliau is a medieval literary genre that told the story of a bourgeois husband whose wife cheats on him with a younger man. This type of literature also deals realistically with middle class or lower class characters.    

        One of the narrative techniques used by the Miller is irony. He uses this when speaking of God as he combines the idea of the sexual and the sacred. He states that ‘an housbonde shal nat been inquisitif of Goddes privetee, nor of his wyf so he may finde Goddes foison there.’ The theme of foretelling the future is vital in this tale and  is hinted at in this remark by the Miller which is then immediately taken up in the account of Nicholas’ powers as an astrologer. The Miller here is saying that as long as the husband gets goodness from his wife, he does not need to worry and enquire too closely into God’s secrets nor his wife’s secrets. This implies that wives had affairs in those days. The analogy between the two would have been blasphemous in the Middle Ages therefore the moral pilgrims such as the Knight and the Parson would have been shocked by this. However, the monk and the friar should be offended too as they are important church figures but as they are sexually and financially corrupt themselves, they would not take it too seriously as they had low morals. The word ‘privetee’ is ambiguous as it can be translated as secrets but can also be an innuendo as it has sexual connotations of the private parts, the genitals.  

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        Further use of irony is evident when Nicholas sings the ‘Angelus ad virginem’ in his room. This is ironic as Gabriel came to Mary when Joseph went away. As a result, Nicholas is portrayed as seeing himself as the angel Gabriel coming to visit Alison. This is another example of the juxtaposition of the sacred and the profane.

        The Miller uses proleptic narration when describing Alison. She is more delightful to look at than a ‘pere-jonette tree.’ This motif of the fresh pear tree suggests that Alison is young yet fully developed (ripened early). Furthermore, it relates to the Merchant’s ...

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