The novel "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad centers on both a political and a personal theme. The major themes explored in the extract taken from "Heart of Darkness" are the controversy of imperialism, colonisation

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Arisara 12J

What themes are explored in this extract and what literacy devices are used?

The novel “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad centers on both a political and a personal theme. The major themes explored in the extract taken from “Heart of Darkness” are the controversy of imperialism, colonisation, civilization and savagery, uncertainty, darkness, the self and the unconscious. The themes explored in the extract are often linked.

The title “Heart of Darkness” itself presents controversy and irony within the subtext. To begin with, “Heart” is associated with love, suggesting perhaps, the love for darkness or “Heart” as in the centre of the darkness or evil. This could be interpreted as the darkness within Africa or perhaps, the darkness and evil of human’s heart. “All that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men” is foreshadowing the inevitability of savagery that men will face once they arrive in Africa.

One of the main themes that Conrad explored was journey. It is obvious that the text is largely about the journey or an adventure of Marlow to Africa in the search of Kurtz. However, multiple interpretations of the text suggest that the novel is based on the journey of Marlow’s subconscious as he begins the journey into his mind. Arguably, Conrad, the author may have used Marlow as a device to invite the readers into his subconscious. The theme of the self and the unconscious mind are also explored. Linking to idea of journey, the passage of time or life is also referred to, “flash of lighting”, “we live in a flicker”. This coveys that we live in a short time, a brief moment and further suggests sense of disruption and arrogant in the human’s mind. Furthermore, when Marlow “had the pose of a Buddha preaching in European clothes” the incongruous image reflects on what Marlow and the British crews are doing in Africa.

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The theme of uncertainty and vulnerability were explored throughout the extract. Various metaphors are used to communicate the themes, “a sea the colour of led”, “a sky the colour of smoke” and “a kind of ship about as rigid as a concertina”. The images are directly related to traveling/journey, this foreshadows that the journey will be full of darkness, uncertainty, vulnerability and ultimately, evil. Moreover, darkness often means “danger”; the evidence of this is when Marlow mentioned, “sandbanks…. Savagery”, natural images that are avoided by sailors. This further conveys danger within the journey. As people often associate darkness and ...

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