THE RAVEN AND THE PEACOCK Long time ago, when the human wasn’t present, there were only animals in the Earth. Animals in that time were quite different form the animals now. There were many kinds of animal living in many different kinds of environment. Among those animals the Birds were considered the most beautiful animal in the world. because all of the birds had the white feather which symbolized beauty. Others animal always envied with the birds. So the birds want to make them more beautiful. Because the more beautiful the birds were, the more respect they receive. And the story begins…. That was the dense forest which had a lot of animal. But there were only two kinds of bird live in that forest. They are Raven and Peacock. The Raven and the Peacock were very familiar. They always stayed and played together. One day, the Raven said to the Peacock with a dissatisfactory voice while they were playing at the river in the edge of the forest “I want to change the color of my feather, and I don’t want to hear everybody said “Oh! You have such a pretty white feather” anymore. It’s really boring and
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