The staging of 'Macbeth' Act 3 scene 4 (the banquet scene).

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The staging of ‘Macbeth’ Act 3 scene 4 (the banquet scene)

Macbeth, having become king, after killing Duncan, has now become obsessed with getting rid of anything that threatens his new position, by murdering them. He is in the banquet hall when the murderer, who he hired to kill Fleance and Banquo, comes and tells him that Fleance has escaped. Throughout this scene he is haunted and tormented by Banquo’s ghost, which only he can see and very nearly reveals all to the lords.

        For me this scene shows that all the lies and treachery that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, have had to use to cover up the murders, are clearly putting a strain on their own personal relationship and it is evidently effecting their minds and their way of thinking. More importantly this is the first time that Macbeth appears to ‘lose it’ so obviously in front of so many people and he almost gives everything away but Lady Macbeth is there to cover up for him by having to say things like

‘ My lord is often thus, and hath been since his youth’ (Act 3, scene 4, line 53)

In this line she is referring to Macbeth’s unnatural behaviour and reaction from seeing Banquo’s Ghost. This scene very strongly shows how Lady Macbeth is the more sane and prevailing one and often has to come to Macbeth’s rescue to keep his status as king and more importantly to cover up the deadly lies of death.

Macbeth, in this scene comes across to me as more anxious and weak then he appeared to be at the beginning of the play, when he was courageous and bold. It seems as if he is mentally and physically affected by the heavy burden of all the murders that he has to carry with him every day, and that this is starting to show to others. He is very suspicious and when he sees the ghost he even asked ‘which one of you has done this?’ (Line 48) And this shows his mistrust and nervousness he now has for everyone. Lady Macbeth controls the situation, not very calmly throughout most of the scene until the end when she too loses it and has to send the lords away.

My production of Macbeth will be in a very physical and dancy style to make it not only effective and interesting to watch but also so it might appeal to younger people, which Shakespeare can sometimes fail to do because of its complicated and serious use of language. Images and pictures that the text describes will be physically created mainly by the ‘dancers’ who will represent things like other characters, spirits, animals, trees. Etc. These dancers will only come on during main scenes or long monologues that either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth have because these are pretty much the most important parts, especially in the understanding of complicated and imagery text, which they have a lot of. I will leave it up to the audience to be able to interpret them and their reasons for appearing how they like, but hopefully it will be clear that their main purpose is to create these theatrical images/movements to look effective on stage and this will also help the audience understand the meaning of the text as it will literally put the words into a visible picture.

It will be set in the early 90’s in a very similar style to Moulin Rouge (the film) with the colourful vibrant and animated costumes that it used even though I will make it come across fairly sinister. I have chosen to do it in this style/time because I wanted to do something unusual and different from dull and dreary way that Macbeth is often done and this would also look very effective on stage. The women will wear big, frilly vivid and colourful dresses, excluding Lady Macbeth whose would be less feminine and colourful but still very overstated, to make her stand out from the others and to make her look more ‘evil’. The witches would have dresses from no particular period of time, with similar style/colours to the others but they would be twisted and warped to look different and bizarre. The men will wear smart black suits, and Macbeth will have a long, grand cloak so he stands out from the other men and shows his status above them. The wild colours would also be incorporated into the stage by having bright props, curtains, backgrounds etc.

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The stage that the Banquet scene will take place on will be slightly curved around the audience with a small circle of stage coming out from the centre which is where Macbeth and lady Macbeth will sit. On each side of the main stage there will be small tables where the lords and other guests will sit and covering the tables there will be decorated tablecloths. Big coloured drapes will be hanging around the stage and above the tables, which will all be cheerfully lit by tinted spotlights. I want the atmosphere of the stage to immediately appear like a ...

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