Jim could not make out what the woman was saying. Jim shouted pardon him self-competing with the thunderous wind. She said again
“Call the…” He still couldn’t make out what she was instructing him to do. He yelled again, this time he luckily made out what the woman said. She instructed him to call the emergency services. Jim didn’t have a mobile phone what was he going to do?
Jim looked up the immense gust made the cable car shift again. It was quite fast; the ancient cables could not hold the weight any longer they began to disjoin. The cable now in a “v” shape with the weight of the passengers. Jim ran as fast as he could, his black fluffy jacket almost flying behind him like superman, he ran and ran as fast as he could, Jim was gasping and breathing heavily but did not stop until finally he got to the receptionist office. He was panting and did not know what to say to the man at the reception.
“Some p.. p.. people are stuck on the c.. cable car.”
The man at the office dressed in a blue suit, with a clean white shirt and a red tie immediately picked the phone up and called the emergency services.
“Hello, we have a cable car stuck on the cable and the car is swinging, thank you bye.”
After the man had put the phone down he asked where the people were, Jim replied
“At the top of the ski slopes” now breathing normally.
The six rescue men stormed in, without hesitation they asked
“Where are they”
Jim replied
“At the top of the ski slope”
The men left and smashed the door behind them, the rescuers drove off in their rescue van. As they got nearer to the ski slope their van would keep on skidding, finally they decided to go on foot, as their van would not make it up.
The six rescuers dressed in blue overalls and big boots began to take out the ladder and run up. As they were going they heard sounds which sounded familiar. The sounds were someone asking questions, but who could it be? They got to the top of the ski slope and saw two cables dangling down and a broken cable car. One of the men said
“All the pieces are here but where are the people.” The six men waited until Jim strolled along. At last Jim approached the scene. The man in charge asked Jim
“Where have they disappeared to.”
Jim did not know what to say, he hadn’t the faintest idea were they all had disappeared to. After Jim thought about it he said
“I am sure I saw them here before” pointing to the broken cables.
The rescue team was astonished and did not understand where the thirty people had gone. One of the rescuers hinted,
“Maybe a ghost took them,” the other one added
“Maybe they got buried under the snow,” the other rescuers did not know what to do. Jim was depressed. One of the rescuers walked further and found a notice reading sorry out of service, he instantly called the others and the story now began to make sense. Some one else had been here!
They all were disturbed, they agreed to go back to the receptionist office. Jim looked very apprehensive, he really wanted to see that family unfortunately they had disappeared. On the way back the team of rescuers asked Jim if the people were his family or friends? Jim replied
“ No, I came sightseeing and I was about to take a photograph of the cable cars and I noticed the family in trouble” The rescue men were really nice and praised Jim
“You are a very brave young lad”
They approached the receptionist office; they went inside and explained that the people had disappeared. The man at the office informed Jim and the six rescuers that the people inside the cable car were saved by Helicopter. Jim was absolutely delighted and asked the man if he could see them.
The rescuers waved good bye to Jim and went, Jim was to happy to have noticed them and he burst into the room next door where the thirty people were resting after there horrid experience. As Jim entered the room the people clapped and cheered as though he was a hero. Jim felt proud. They all thanked him for calling the emergency services. They even asked him to stay with them for the three days they were here for. After they had finished resting they all went back to their hotel and had a surprise party for Jim. Jim was a hero!