The Techniques Used by Wells in The Red Room to Create a Feeling of Suspense and Terror

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The Techniques Used by Wells in The Red Room to Create a Feeling of Suspense and Terror The title "The Red Room" immediately makes the reader think about the story; it is important and leaves unanswered questions. "What is the red room?" "Why is it red?" Red is associated with fear and danger. The title raises so many questions that it has the effect of making us read on, wanting to find answers to our questions. The writer has to attract the reader keep their attention throughout. In order for any story to work, tension has to be built in the text, to keep the reader asking themselves questions and wanting to read on. The reader will be able to have a strong influence from the writer's first and last lines. It is essential that they are well thought out. This is the first line: "I can assure you, said I, 'that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me'." From this first line, the reader gets two pieces of information. Firstly that this story involves a ghost, or some involvement of the supernatural, and secondly that the character is an educated and well-read man, who may also be young and arrogant. This point increases the tension and stops the reader from putting the book down. Also, as it is a short story it is immediately setting the tone for the rest of the story. In the first page we are introduced to four characters. A young man,old man and his wife, and another old man. We never know their names. The young man is sceptical about the red room being haunted. The three elder people believe that it is haunted and dare not even go there. This is the perfect example of how opposites build tension. Firstly, we have the young against the old, which also symbolizes the inexperienced against the wise. There is also the conflict between 'sceptics' and the 'wise'. Although they may be wise, the older people have not ever dared to go to the red room. They have become wise as they have heard the stories about the room but none of them has ever had first hand experience of the room. This is the first example of what the old people are afraid of, the unknown. . Repetition is also a device used by Wells to build tension. One of the most obvious examples is on the first page. "It's your own choosing." The old man is
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trying to warn the young man, or even scare him, but at the same time he is leaving the 'choice' to him. It is as if the three old people are washing their hands of the responsibility of the young man. They feel it is their duty, like guardians, to warn the man of what they believe may be his death. Another use of repetition is slightly later on, when the old woman repeats, "this night of all nights." We never find out why that night is important but it gives the reader a more unanswered questions and doubts in ...

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This piece considers the language used and in particular how this is used to ensure the story fits into the Gothic genre. At times the response could be more fluently and concisely expressed and essays should be carefully planned and proofread to ensure the structure of the response is as clear as possible. 4 Stars