Theme of love in 3 poems - Remember by Christina Rosetti, Poem at Thirty- Nine by Alice Walker and Plena Timoris by Thomas Hardy

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In the the three poems Remember by Christina Rosetti, Poem at Thirty-Nine by Alice Walker and Plena Timoris by Thomas Hardy the theme of love is conveyed, however the types of love vary. The love that shines through in Remember is about the sacrifices made for love. Poem at Thirty-Nine conveys the love between Father and Daughter, whereas Plena Timoris is about the dying of a relationship or love between two people.

The most striking structural feature about Poem at Thirty-Nine is its shape. The shape of the poem is long and thin and is written in free verse. The use of free verse creates the notion of the freedom she longed for as a child due to discrimination against her for being an African American woman living in a very prejudiced America. There are several lines within the stanzas that contain only one word. This holophrasis portray memories, assumably those of Alice Walker. We get the sense that each time she remembers something she writes it down. They also highlight the most important memories and reflections to the poet; Alice Walker. These memories such as “Dancing” and “Sharing” link back to her relationship with her father– thus suggesting the love she feels for him and longing for him to come back. The literary devices used in Poem at Thirty-Nine help the theme of love break through in many ways. The use of nostalgia emerges in the final stanza with “He would have grown to admire the woman I’ve become” This gives us the notion that the poet has matured a lot and that her father would be proud of her. We get the feeling that this was not a regular occurrence when her father was alive due to the contrast with the quotation “Must have grieved him.” The fact that Alice Walker seeks her father’s approval tells us that she admires her father and wants him to think the best of her and most importantly to love her. The insertion of assonance in the 5th stanza” Now I look and cook just like him” creates a connections and shows a similarity between father and daughter, thus emphasising their closeness and approach to life. Also in stanza five the author has put in an extended metaphor throughout the whole stanza, which generates a comparison to her life then (which her father was still part of) to now when she misses her father and longs for his inevitable return. This too relates to my theme as the poet has a strong love and connection with her father. In the first line of the first stanza of the poem Alice Walker begins with a statement of fact this being “How I miss my father.” The repetition of this in the first line of stanza four draws our attention to this statement of fact once more and makes us think more carefully and in more depth about this love she and her father share.

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“Before the end” this is an example of how Alice Walker has included euphemism in her poem. We get the idea that her reasoning for this is to make her feel slightly better about the fact that she has lost her beloved father. The effect this has on the reader is that it makes the poem softer and less focused on death.

The language used throughout Poem at Thirty-Nine is generally simple however at some certain points strong vocabulary is used, for instance: “Voluptuous” which stand out more as the reader pays greater attention to them. “Voluptous” stan These words that ...

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