There Are Certain Requirements For A Good Short Story. How Far Are These Met In Two Short From Different Centuries.(A Vendetta - Guy de Maupassant and The Landlady)

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Gary Mills 11A

There Are Certain Requirements For A Good Short Story. How

              Far Are These Met In Two Short From Different Centuries.


        To create a good short a author must meet certain requirements in order to keep the reader interested. We read two different short stories wrote by different authors in different centuries to see if these requirements were met.

        The first story is A Vendetta, by Guy De Maupassant, which was written in the 19th century. The story Vendetta has a very slid structure in which it has a great beginning, middle and end. Maupassant has linked the sentences together very cleverly to create this solid structure. The language in Vendetta in is not as you would aspect as it was wrote a long time ago, also the author is French which may has something to do with the difference in language. The setting of vendetta is very quiet and has a slow plot. As well as a slow plot A Vendetta is also very dark and mysterious. Maupassant makes the story very quiet at the beginning when he writes that the houses are spread around like birds nests’ this suggesting that this place or town is forbidding and unwelcoming again its adding a mysterious touch to the story. Vendetta is very cold and dangerous whereas The Landlady, which was written by Roald Dahl, has a very comfortable feel about it even though there is an aspect of murder in the story. The Landlady is the other story that we have been studying which was wrote in the 20th century.

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        The setting of The Landlady is very comfortable in the way that you think the woman is trustworthy even though she is slightly deranged. The plot is the opposite to Vendetta as it is warm and cozy. Dahl has cleverly made the woman secret to keep you guessing about her personality. In Landlady you never really get told that she murders her two only guests, you are just to assume that. One of the big differences between Vendetta and Landlady is that Maupassant takes us with the avenger whereas in The Landlady you follow through the story with the ...

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