This essay would be examining the methods through which the British won the Battle of Britain, through the use of radar and the careful use their fighter planes. It

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Radar and excellent new fighters account for Britain’s victory in the Battle of Britain. How far do you agree with this judgment?

The Second World War was an arena for different tactics of war.  Generals of both sides had several ideas on strategies that could stake a large claim in victory.  The Battle of Britain was one of such imaginative tactics that the Germans wanted to use to put pressure on Britain.  France had been overrun and Hitler did not expect the British to oppose and hold out for a battle.  This essay would be examining the methods through which the British won the Battle of Britain, through the use of radar and the careful use their fighter planes.  It would also point out the fact that the Germans underestimated the importance of the radar to the British which aloud them to identify German fighters.  It would be highlighted that along with newly developed fighters of the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the radar systems, an aiding factor was the lack of clear planning of the German offensive.

Following the fall of France in 1940, Britain was assumed to alone by the Germans, Hitler had thought that they would agree to his terms and the war was reaching its end.  Contrary to his belief the British were resistant and rejected his surrender terms.  Following this Seelöwe, Operation Sea-Lion, was established in which the Germans were going to take out the British Air Force and then if it succeeded subsequently proceed with an invasion through the English Channel.  Numerically the RAF was at a disadvantage, but with careful management and technique, they were still able to frustrate the Luftwaffe.  A plan was hatched to directly attack the RAF airfields and aircraft production centers, Hermann Göring called his plans Adlerangriff (Eagle Attack), beginning on August 11 with Adlertag (Eagle Day), but even before this there was to be a month of attacks on Channel convoys and the RAF out over the water. This period of fighting was called Kanalkampf by the Germans.

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The British were fully aware of the German goals, strategy, and often even tactics due to their ability to read the German Enigma cypher, which was used for most high-security German military radio communications. This fact, not revealed until the 1970s, was crucial in forming British tactics. They had also killed or turned all German agents in Britain.

The Germans didn't keep using any single strategy, even when it was on the verge of defeating the RAF largely because they didn't have any real idea of its success, but also because Hitler's style encouraged competing interests in the High Command ...

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