Throughout The Miller's Tale, Chaucer is exploring a variety of attitudes towards love

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Love, marriage and Courtly love

Courtly love is ‘a tradition represented in Western European literature between the 12th and 14th centuries, idealising love between a knight and a revered (usually married) lady’.

Courtly love was a code of behaviour that was made popular through Romance literature. This term later evolved to include any tales of knights, chivalry and courtly love. 

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Courtly love became the subject of some of the most famous medieval poems, and where we get today’s word, ‘courtesy’.

Throughout The Miller’s Tale, Chaucer is exploring a variety of attitudes towards love. There is the idealized and fashionable love of court romance and there is ‘love of the world’ and the ‘love of God’. These mixed together gives an idea of love in The Miller’s Tale.

Absolon is in true romantic flight, ‘like a true turtle dove’, and Alison ignores this and tells him to go away. This brings out the contrast in Absolon’s courtly ways and ...

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