Throughout this play by William Shakespeare, Richard III has been portrayed to have several faades. He has a charming, witty, intelligent, manipulative, confident and charismatic personality

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Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of Richard III in his play Richard III

By Dominique Baptiste


        Throughout this play by William Shakespeare, Richard III has been

portrayed to have several façades. He has a charming, witty, intelligent,

manipulative, confident and charismatic personality. Shakespeare uses his own

wit to concuss this character. He is driven by his own excessive motivation for

power which he shows to us with his ambition to take control of the throne.

Shakespeare presents Richard as the stereo typical anti hero, which is common

in his plays. However, Richards’s behaviour may be a product of Tudor

propaganda. We, as the audience are fooled and find it hard to distinguish who

or what Richard really is. His true personality never surfaces, therefore as the

audience we are unsure if you like or dislike Richard even if we hold nothing but

contempt for him.

The first face of Richard is his low self-esteem, at the beginning of the play:


        “Dogs back at me as I halt by them”

This makes us feel sad for him as we believe he is depressed by his physical

appearance, as he believe that not even dogs can bear his “hideous” looks. He

refers to himself as deformed, as he was born premature:

        “Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time”

Richard believes he is an outcast from society and also believes that other people

can do things that he cannot:

        “But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks”

By this he is referring to his inadequate physical appearance and body. He does

not help his own self-esteem, however he does put himself down as he thinks

negatively. This dives him to become a villain.

Shakespeare presents him as a crippled man with a hunched back. He explains

to the audience that is deformity does not allow him be a “lover” and would have

to get noticed another way:

        “Since I cannot prove a lover,

I am determined to prove a villain”

The above quotation shows how false he is when it later seduces Lady Anne in

the play. Richard’s looks and villainous behaviour means that he has no true love

interest not even after he marries Lady Anne. He uses her for personal gain

rather than love. His personality means he does not love or even allows himself

to be loved, this leads to self-love:

        “Richard loves Richard”

Richard is self obsessed; he has self love and self loath as he suffers from

egocentrism. Richard’s love for himself and selfish traits is what helps him gain

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the throne. He does not care how his actions affect others; he is only concerned

with his own welfare. He dismisses and disregards other individuals easily. The

face that Richard’s first fatality is his own brother Clarence shows the degree of

evil Richard is willing to surpass. He kills Clarence which gives him a more likely

chance of becoming king:

        “This day should Clarence be closely mewed up”

Another face of Richard is the anti-family man, he pretends to be a loyal and

family ...

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