To Kill a Mockingbird.

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To Kill a Mockingbird

They don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”

Harper Lee , the author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the novel “To kill a mocking bird”. Harper Lee was born in 1926 in Monroeville, in the south west of Alabama. She is the youngest of four children of Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. Harper Lee attended Huntingdon College 1944-45, studied law at University of Alabama 1945-49, and studied one year at Oxford University. Her fathers occupation was law. This relates to “To kill a mocking bird” since scout’s father, Atticus Finch, was also a lawyer. It creates an effect of a fictional autobiography because it contains elements of fiction and autobiography. She was the youngest in her family this is also part of putting elements of her life into a book.  The book was written in 1957 and published in 1961. This was at the time of the Martin Luther King and Malcolm X movement who were fighting for racial equality. The novel has no fixed genre, this is what makes it such an interesting and refreshing novel, since it keeps changing it’s genre.

In the 1930’s the state of Alabama, racism was still present in large numbers. There was a segregation between blacks and whites. Black people had to go to black schools, to black churches, and live in certain areas. This all relates to the American civil war. A war between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederacy. The North were abolitionists, they wanted to abolish slavery since industrialism and machines, but the southern slavery based economy were against it. It soon escalated into political rivalry then into a civil war. The north were superior to the south in numbers and resources. The south held the north at bay with military tactics of Robert E. Lee. Through pass of time the south ran out of resources and territory and soon surrendered. Slavery was abolished throughout the whole of America. Most southerners disagreed with that and still believed that whites where superior to coloureds and created a racial segregation.

Racism wasn’t the only problem in the south. There was also prejudice against women and class prejudice. In the book one of the main examples of prejudice is Boo Radley because he always kept to himself. This links to Maycomb because it is a narrow minded town and always judge people before they get to know them.

Maycomb is a fictional town set in non-fictional Alabama. It is an inward looking town ruled by gossip, superstition and racism. It would be difficult to change such a narrow minded town since that rarely visitors come, so there is hardly changes and if someone decides to make changes, a perfect example would be Atticus defending Tom Robinson, the town would get furious and think of it as an outrage. This is why it is very difficult to start doing changes in a town like Maycomb.

The main themes of the book are changes and growing up. It all starts when we learn about Maycomb through Scout’s eyes. We then learn about other characters such as the Cunninghams, and we learn about how they farming business ruined since the Wall Street Crash. “ The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers and the crash hit them hardest.” We also learn about the Ewells the “disgrace of Maycomb for three generations” whom are putting Tom Robinson on trial. We also learn about Arthur “Boo” Radly, around whom a lot of theme’s of prejudice are involved.

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The novel is written in first person from scout’s perspective. It is an effective method since scout is a little girl learning about her surroundings and about the town, the reader learns with her. With scouts learning and discoveries we get a three hundred and sixty degrees perspective about the town and the society at the time. We see the novel mainly through scouts young and innocent eyes. When it was snowing in Maycomb scout thought the world was ending “The world’s ending, Atticus! Please do something” Scout has never seen snow and therefore she thought something dreadful was ...

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