To Kill a Mockingbird

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Question: What aspects of Small town life does Harper Lee show which influence the behaviour of its inhabitants?

The novel of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is set in the heart of Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 1930’s, at the end of the world economic depression. As is seen in the novel, many of white people in Maycomb have joined pressure groups to try and ensure white supremacy over the black community. Maycomb is described by Harper Lee as if it was a character; it is described as being old, worn out, unkept, slow-moving, insular, poor and conservative, but it is also described with hope ‘vague optimism’ . This influences the behaviour of the inhabitants as the people of the town take on these characteristics as is seen in the novel. Many of the citizens in Maycomb show these characteristics alter their behaviour in different ways. Some like Mrs. Dubose show it in their attitude and physical appearance, as she has lived in Maycomb all of her life and she is old, worn out and slow moving. Others show these characteristics with there mental attitude. Examples of this is Atticus and the case of Tom Robinson, by the end of the trial Atticus is mentally worn-out and tired but he still uses hope and at the trial he hopes that they will believe him by saying ‘in the name of God, do your duty’. Atticus still keeps hope and so does Mrs. Dubose even when she is dying.

The novel itself is about one man, Atticus Finch who is trying to jolt his society out of its isolationist mentality and towards recognising that black people are in fact humans, and deserve equality and the same human rights as whites. ‘This case, Tom Robinsons case goes to the essence of a man’s conscience – Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man’  However, he encounters much racial hatred from his friends and the county when he attempts to defend Tom Robinson.

Harper Lee shows us that Maycomb is entrenched in its own way of life. This way of life is based on the idea of white supremacy and that the whites are the dominant race. The Negro community is just a mere culture challenging their way of life, which needs to be put in their place, especially the blacks. An example of this is when the mob gathers outside the county jail to take Tom Robinson before the trial has begun. They try to carry out an unjustified murder, which would have happened if Atticus wasn’t there. ‘The Ku Klux’s gone; said Atticus It’ll never come back’. The Ku Klux tried to carry out an unjustified murder of Tom Robinson as it could be used to intimidate the other black people in the community so that they didn’t do anything like Tom did and they also need to stay at the bottom of society. The white community have their own idea of what justice should be, and they show this in the case of Tom Robinson, racial hatred and prejudice play a main part in the verdict of his trial.

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Maycomb’s geographical position and history has shaped its inhabitants to being narrow and self-minded. These characteristics are later shown in the novel as Maycomb County is told ‘it had nothing to fear but fear itself’ which proves to be true as Maycomb divides over Tom Robinson’s case. Therefore, this shows that not all people in Maycomb had the same views on race. These views are frowned upon by Maycomb’s racist culture; we also see that there is a lot of racial hatred lingering in their society. The Ku Klux Klan and the mob of Maycomb are two groups of people ...

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