To Kill a Mockingbird - critical review

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How does Jem, Scout and Dill’s relationship with Boo help them develop intellectually

To Kill a Mockingbird is set during the 1930’s in a small, isolated town in Maycomb County, Alabama. The 1930’s was a period of great change with new ideas coming to the forefront of the Western world. America was fast becoming one of the most powerful countries in the world and therefore its ideas and ways of living were being copied in every far corner of the western world. Economically America was not quite so sound. Only a year earlier America had sustained a massive crash in share prices that had affected the whole nation from the richest to the poorest everybody was facing bankruptcy and poverty.

        In the early 1930’s racism was a large factor in the way that everyone lived their lives. A true reflection of this came on March 25th 1931; it was the day of a trial of nine black teenagers who were accused of the alleged rape of two young white women; Ruby Bates and Victoria Price. It took place in a small, isolated town (much like the one in Maycomb County) in Scottsboro, Ala. The trial was significant because it was the sign of recognition from the white population that racism was not right. Eight of the boys were sentenced to death while another was sentenced to life imprisonment.

        The nine black teenagers were tried in conjunction with the Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow Laws were legal punishments on people consorting with members of another race. The most common laws forbade inter-marriage and sexual relations between two people of different races. The laws also ordered business owners and public institutions to keep members of separate races separated. Examples of this included separate drinking fountains, separate toilets and separate eating opportunities.

This relates to ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ in that the black community of Maycomb live in a small area on the edge of the town and generally aren’t allowed to socialise with the white member of the town. But the small town isn’t two extreme as black people aren’t beaten or murdered in the streets as like what was happening elsewhere in America (Klu Klux Klan) and it isn’t made to obvious in the novel that black people have to eat separately and go to separate public buildings. The novel in more concentrated on the corrupt legal system of the 1930’s.


In ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ Scout is the narrator, the novel is written in adult style despite the fact that she is only six at the start; this is because she is recounting the memories of her childhood. Despite this the novel is still written through a child’s eyes rather than that of an adult. This gives the effect of innocence and ignorance. The reader can easily understand what is happening in the novel because it is written for a child to understand, but the reader must also try to distinguish and understand certain things that Scout being a child can’t.

Scout is a bit of a tomboy she prefers to quite boyish activities. She is influenced in her activities by her brother Jem and her best friend Dill (Charles Baker Harris). In their spare time the trio enjoy acting out rather exaggerated events of Maycomb County. Their favourite story is that of Boo (Arthur) Radley who is rumoured to have attacked his father with a pair of scissors and is now locked away in the cellar of the Radley house. The children get their stories from a Miss Stephanie Crawford who lives down their road.

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“According to Miss Stephanie, Boo was sitting in the living-room cutting some items out of the Maycomb Tribune…As Mr. Radley passed by, Boo drove the scissors into his fathers leg.

Jem is Scouts older brother and is ten at the beginning. He is very protective of Scout but their relationship is left at the school gates as Jem finds his little sister embarrassing.

“Jem was careful to explain that during school hours I was not to bother him…embarrass him with references to his private life or tag along behind him at recess.”

 The novel shows Jem ...

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