To What Extent is Much Ado About Nothing a Play about Social Pressures Rather Than True Love?

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By Savaughan Fairman-Campbell 10CB

Year 10 Course Work Essay.

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing.

To What Extent is Much Ado About Nothing a Play about Social Pressures Rather Than True Love?

There has been much discussion about whether or not Shakespeare’s play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ it is based more around social pressures rather than true love; this essay will see to what extent the play supports this idea.

Shakespeare wrote the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ around 1598. It was located in Italy, because Italy at the time was seen as a romantic exotic country, writers during this time period were obsessed over Italy, a lot of the plays written were set in Italy. This play has a wide appeal to all classes which shows that it would be appropriate for all to watch. The title ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ suggests that to a person looking on in the play the dilemma could seem a lot more serious to them than it would to someone who was really in the situation. The genre that Shakespeare chose for this play is a comedy, this play was written to entertain the audience.

In my opinion the essay question portrays the idea that the play may be based around social pressure rather than true love. Social pressure is when you are pressured into doing something that you do not want to do, for example Beatrice and Benedick seem to fall in love with each other purely because of what they have heard. Whereas true love is when you have affection and kindness towards a person and have strong feelings for them. For example in the play the fact that Hero and Claudio decide to get married the day after they get engaged could show that they are truly in love and is meant to be a whirlwind of romance and love. Although the organisation of their wedding is quite rushed this could show that they are eager to get married because of their love for each other.

Women during this time were ‘convinced’ to get married, if a women was not married she was seen as a ‘spinster’ because no matter what class she was in a girl had to be married and have children. Maybe this was because life expectancy was not extremely long; as a result she had to marry at a young age. Every girl throughout this time had a ‘dowry’ which was money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage. This was a sort of social pressure because marriages were usually arranged by the parents and was not a matter to be discussed with them you could have been expected to marry who they chose for you even if it was not true love. Things that were considered socially unacceptable were sleeping with someone before you were married, having a baby with someone else and trying to pass it off as your husbands.

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At the beginning of the play the men Don Pedro, Don John, Claudio, Benedick, Leanato and Antonio return from war, from the onset the play focuses on Beatrice and Benedick, as the two central characters.  Beatrice is portrayed as a strong female character that speaks her mind, this is different because in the time period this play is set men were seen as more superior than women. Both Benedick and Beatrice are the comedy characters in this play that tend to argue a lot. When Beatrice hears that they are arriving back in Messina she immediately shows interest in ...

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