Tony Kytes and the seduction

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Tony Kytes and the seduction Thomas Hardy wrote "Tony Kytes the arch deceiver" in 1984, the story is set in a village in the countryside next to wonderful farms and green fields. "The seduction" written by Eileen McCauley is a poem, which tells a story written around the 1980's in Liverpool, Birkenhead Docks. Birkenhead Docks is a dirty rundown and isolated place to go, the poem takes place in the nighttime. The poem gets its title because of the seduction of a young girl. The boy is described
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as using metaphors such as "sinister leather jacket" and "the scum on the water" he was brought up to have no respect for women. The boy is only young himself about 15-16, he also like's to look at young women in his magazines as he steals them and reads them under a bridge. The girl who is seduced is young so she doesn't know much about sex so the boy takes benefit of this; she ends up three months pregnant which ruins her youthful life she is subsequently called a "little slag" by the boy. His parents don't care what ...

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