Trace the development and disintegration of Macbeths Character in acts one and two. You must make detailed references to language, themes, structure, and linguistic devices and social historical context.

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Question: Trace the development and disintegration of Macbeths Character in acts one and two. You must make detailed references to language, themes, structure, and linguistic devices and social historical context.

In our Macbeth Coursework, I am going to analyse the development and disintegration of Macbeths Character using acts one and two.

  Firstly, I am going to analyse the language used in the first two acts. Macbeth is described as loyal and honest; a quote that says this is ‘Noble Macbeth’ and also a quote used from King Duncan, ‘My worthy Cawdor’ this suggests that people believe Macbeth is a brave and valiant soldier and he would fight for his country and his king. Also in language, Macbeths downfall is due to his vaulting ambition, having heard off the witches that he shall be king one day, this overwhelms Macbeth and puts ideas into his head, tempting Macbeth to take his ideas further is Lady Macbeth making snide comments and remarks to him, a quote that shows this is ‘I dare do all that become a man’ this shows that Macbeth wants to prove that he can do it and also doesn’t want to disappoint Lady Macbeth.

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One of the main themes in Macbeth is supernatural forces, this theme is performed by the three witches when they perform a spell, part of the spell is used as a quote in Macbeth ‘fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air’ this quote represents the witches supernatural being, and sets an uneasy mood. Another important theme of Macbeth is ambition, this is set by Macbeth, as the first prediction came true, and he started to believe in the prophecies. Macbeth refers ‘If chance may have me king, why, chance may crown me without ...

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