Twelfth night - Act 3, Scene 4 - How would I play Malvolio?

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Act 3, Scene 4 – How would I play Malvolio?

First impressions are always very important and Malvolio’s must set his character for the whole scene.  Socially during Twelfth Night’s era the maid would enter a room before the guest that showed them where the room was and they often renounced the visitor the master/mistress.  But given Malvolio’s current mood he would be so eager to speak to Olivia he may want to enter the room first.  Upon my entrance I will have a sort of “pushing contest” with Maria in the doorframe so that I could get through first.  When I actually manage to get in front of Maria I will brush my clothes haughtily with quick movements to show that Maria is below me.  I will then raise my head up high to make sure that Maria understands her place.  

On Malvolio’s first line I will bend down on one knee in front of Olivia and kiss her hand twice to exaggerate my inappropriate behaviour; Malvolio is Olivia’s butler and does not carry the status to kiss her hand.  Soon as I hear Olivia say “sad occasion” I will beam at her because Malvolio would think she was being sarcastic due to the letter that he received.  I will raise my eyebrows on my next line and almost laugh while speaking.  At the words “I could be sad” I will pout a bit while speaking to notify Olivia that I understand her ‘sarcasm’.  I will get up then and stand facing the audience.  I will also stress the word “some” and shake one leg towards Olivia suggestively at “cross - gartering” and put it down immediately after.  I will then sit right next to Olivia and point at her eye when I say, “If it please the eye of one”. Upon my final word on line 22, I will put my arm on top of Olivia’s knee and look down at it suggestively because Malvolio thinks that Olivia wrote the letter to confirm her affections towards him.  

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When Olivia gets up at the bottom of the page I will mimic her rising and stand behind her (the audience will still see me perfectly as I am taller than Olivia).  I will wrap my arms around her and speak.  When I talk about “the sweet Roman hand” I will take hold of one of her hands gently and attempt to kiss it.  This action will allow Olivia to get free of the irrepressible Malvolio’s arms and walk away.  Malvolio will follow and stand near to her.

Line 27 Olivia asks Malvolio if he will go to ...

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