Use the concept of transculturation to explore 'Our Sister Killyjoy' and 'Nervous Conditions.'

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Use the concept of transculturation to explore ‘Our Sister Killyjoy’ and ‘Nervous Conditions.’

Postcolonial insights include theories of Diaspora, cultural hybridity and transculturation. The latter, ‘transculturation’ is the term used to define ‘cultural change induced by introduction of elements of a foreign culture.’ The term ‘transculturation’ was first coined by Cuban anthropologist and sociologist  in  to describe the phenomenon of merging and converging cultures. Transculturation covers , ,  and , hence it is a concept very relevant to the postcolonial period and subsequently to postcolonial literature. When transculturation affects ethnicity the term ‘ethnoconvergence" comes into being and is opposed by ‘’ the view that one's culture is of greater importance than another’s. Ethnocentrism manifests itself in various aspects of culture, though the main ethnocentric divider is always religion or belief, these ethnic divides are most frequently binary.

‘Our Sister Killjoy’ and ‘Nervous Conditions’ both show aspects of transculturation, perhaps the most obvious sign are the narrator's adoption of the dominant English language to write their novels. At varying points in each novel it is also clear that both Aidoo and Dangarembga have difficulty in choosing between the two cultures in their own personal struggles with transculturation. I shall go on to explore these instances of transculturation within both novels.

Tsitsi Dangarembga’s 1988 novel ‘Nervous Conditions’  is a landmark in postcolonial literature as it was the first published English novel written by an African woman. Set in 1960’s Rhodesia and emerging from the shadows of apartheid, it chronicles the life and education of Tambu and the world around her, as she makes the transition from rural homestead to the mission school, despairing over her position as a woman in pre-Revolutionary Zimbabwe.

The title ‘Nervous Conditions’ comes from Jean Paul Satre’s introduction to Franz Fanon’s book about the psychosocial effects of colonization ‘The Wretched of the Earth’ where he says that ‘the condition of the native is a nervous condition.’ Dangarembga clearly means to foreground gender as the category which determines African women's lives and keeps them "natives" in relation to the dominant and controlling power structure. "Nervous conditions" could also be interpreted as a ‘metaphor for those internalized definitions of femaleness that shape, from within women's private and public lives.’


The African women in the novel face racism, sexism and oppression in their community while navigating their lives within the margins of both traditional and Western colonial cultures. Tambu’s early self admired her educated aunt, pitied her mother who ‘suffered from being female and poor and uneducated and black.’  As Dangarembga's plot shifts from Tambu's individual rise to collective effort with all her female relatives and friends, she acknowledges ‘If 1 forget them, my cousin, my mother, my friends, 1 might as well forget myself.’ In recording these women's resistance to the patriarchy, Dangarembga suggests that the strongest, most resilient females are not the women educated and ‘liberated’ in the West and privileged within their societies, but the women who emerge from rural Africa and are shaped by agricultural labour and live within communities where women support and work with one another. Perhaps the most daring, if not the most powerful, woman in Nervous Conditions is Lucia the unmarried African woman. The male family members designate her ‘vicious,’ ‘unnatural,’ and ‘uncontrollable,’ because she acts out her sexuality as she pleases.

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Owing to transculturation is the conflict between western theories and practices in education and various African traditions and cultures. African women, including Tambu, learn to believe that education helps them challenge patriarchy, improves their status, releases them from certain traditional restrictions yet they must overcome the autocratic authority exercised by the males and the racism and patriarchy of the colonial culture. In addition, African families promote education for males and discourage equivalent educational opportunities for females. This inequity in education is as her father tells her, ‘the same everywhere’ though the reader is aware that it is not like that ...

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