What do we learn about the personalities of Heathcliff and Catherine from Nelly's anecdotes to Lockwood

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Sophie Hale 12Mc

What do we learn about the personalities of Heathcliff and Catherine from Nelly’s anecdotes to Lockwood

Having a change in narrators from Lockwood to Nelly, allows the reader to gather a different point of view. I believe that Nelly is also a more reliable narrator than Lockwood as she has lived with the characters, and therefore knows them better. As Nelly is telling Lockwood of the past it allows the reader to understand the events that have occurred, making people in Wuthering Height so stern and cold. It also allows the reader to confirm Lockwood’s perception of the characters. To both see if he is a reliable narrator and also to answer the questions that have been aroused.

        There are many events in Chapter Four that allow the reader to gather their views on the personalities of Heathcliff and Catherine.

        The children, (Cathy, Heathcliff and Hindley) all fell ill with measles. Heathcliff who was ‘dangerously ill’ had Nelly to look after him as he liked her to be by his side. It was during this period that Heathcliff and Nelly became close. Even though Heathcliff was probably the worst affected of them all, he was still ‘the quietest child that a nurse ever watched over’ especially compared to Hindley and Cathy who ‘harassed’ Nelly terribly. This shows the contrast of personalities between the three characters. However, Nelly describes Heathcliff’s silence as ‘hardness, not gentleness’ this shows Heathcliff even early on in his life to have a hard personality and keep his feelings to himself. He won’t express the pain that he may be feeling inside. This confirms what we have already learnt about Healthcliffs character through Lockwood’s narration when he also seemed stern and hard willed.

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        Heathcliff’s recovery saw Nelly being praised by the doctor ‘who affirmed it was in great measure owing to me, and praised me for my care’ This, saw Nelly soften towards Healthcliff ‘thus Hindley losing his last ally’.

        Another incident that shows Heathcliff’s personality is when Mr. Earnshaw brought home a ‘couple of colts’ and ‘gave the lads each one’ Heathcliff took the handsome one however it fell lame. Due to this he asks Hindley to exchange. We learn in this episode that Hindley regularly beats Heathcliff ‘three thrashings you’ve given me this week’ Hindley is older and bigger than Healthcliff, ...

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