What does the story of The Star Beast tell us about human nature?
The star beast is a short story by Nicholas grey about a beast that goes through many people of which some treat him good but most bad.
The story starts when a strange spaceship that crash lands in “the night sky.” No one had discovered the cause for this tragic disturbance. Soon after the beast was heard “crying” at the door of a farmer. The farmer and his wife tended it as the found that it was injured and hurt. They fed it clothed it and cared for it. They treated it very nicely instead of treating it like a piece of dirt and like he was below human.
Later as the creature got better and recovered from its wounds and illness the farmer and wife were paid some money by the authorities to take him away to see some experts. The farmer’s wife was very sad to see him go, she said “he was getting to know me” this shows that she liked the beast.