What is the significance of science in Enduring Love?

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Lucy Atwell                07/05/2007

English                Ms. Buggins

What is the significance of science in Enduring Love? 

        Science is a significant theme in Enduring love. It is shown in aspects of Joe’s private thoughts; his discussions with Clarissa; in explaining behaviour; Jed’s letters to Joe; and the appendix. Science contributes to character development, exploration of ideas, and the plot. It affects Joe, and others by their relationship with him.

        As Joe is the narrator of Enduring Love, the reader is introduced solely to his private thoughts. His thoughts are particularly scientific and rational; this gives depth to his character, creating interest for the reader. Science contributes to emphasising his struggling relationship with Clarissa, and his personality clash with Jed. Science used in Joe’s private thoughts also shows how his mind works and deals with pressure, contributing to character development. Joe expresses his emotions through science, a flaw in his character, allowing the reader to sympathise and empathise with him. An example of this is when John Logan falls from the balloon to his death, Joe uses scientific language to describe the incident, blocking out his emotional involvement, “I still thought there was a chance that a freak physical law, a furious thermal, some phenomenon no more astonishing that the one we were witnessing would intervene and bear him up”. An example of character recognition of this is when Clarissa suggests Joe wrote the letter to himself, and the problem with Jed is inexistent, “Looks like your writing”. She could be implying that it’s Joe’s private way of expressing himself, indirectly. Joe’s use of scientific and rational thoughts are emphasised by his language “What occurred simultaneously or in quick succession, what was said, how we moved or failed to move…” He uses complex vocabulary, which is more effective, such as: antecedent, transmutations, and articulate advocacy. This creates an atmosphere and is therefore symbolic to the reader. It could be suggested that science is a dramatic devise to distract the reader from knowing Joe’s true feelings, leaving it up to the reader to question, and make up their own suggestions, allowing character development construction up to the individual.

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        Joe’s discussions with Clarissa include many references to science. Once again, Joe is the instigator of science entering the novel. Character development is shown through Joe and Clarissa’s conversation about the balloon incident in theatrical terms. This emphasises their different personalities, as Clarissa is more expressive, whilst Joe is rational, a reflection on their professions, “Whereas she wants to lie quietly in a soapy bath and reflect, he wants to set about altering his fate”. Their conversations show how the lack of love affects control, stressing the point that science is an attempt to control everything, and therefore contains no ...

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