What is your opinion of Lady Macbeth as a wife and as a woman?

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Eleanor Robinson 10W

What is your opinion of Lady Macbeth as a wife and as a woman?

        In the play ‘Macbeth’, there is one main relationship. This is between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth is the stronger partner.  She believes that with her help, Macbeth can become King of Scotland. She uses all her powers of persuasion to get Macbeth to murder the King. She plans all his actions and tells him how to show himself in public. What she doesn’t plan is his growing passion for power and murder or even her madness. At the end of the play, the roles in the relation ship had changed, where she was once been the stronger partner, she becomes the weaker, and in the end, commits suicide.

        When we first meet Lady Macbeth in Act one Scene five, she is reading a letter sent from Macbeth, who had just had his first encounter with three witches and he was recalling it to Lady Macbeth. The witches had prophesised that Macbeth was the Thane of Glames, would be the Thane of Cawdor and later would be King of Scotland.

From the moment Lady Macbeth reads the letter, she believes instantly that Macbeth will be king. She does, however, have some doubts, as she fears that Macbeth, ‘is to full o’ the milk of human kindness’ to murder the King.

Therefore, I think lady Macbeth feels she needs to be even stronger, in order to help Macbeth to succeed in the murder. The way that Lady Macbeth chose to become stronger, was to call upon “spirits that tend on mortal thoughts’ and ask them to ‘fill me, from the crown to the toe, top full/ Of direst cruelty!”. In this way, she wanted them to ‘unsex’ her, to make her less feminine and to be able to not feel guilt and remorse.

I think that Lady Macbeth had to do this, as inside she is a sweet, soft and kind natured woman. Without the help of evil, she would not have even considered planning the murder of the King. She covers this side of her personality until certain events and I think what makes her mad is that she never shows her true personality.

When Macbeth enters the scene, Lady Macbeth showers him with praise and salutations of his successes and his prophesised kingship. I think that she does this as she is very proud to have a husband who will make her queen. When Macbeth tells her that “King Duncan comes her tonight”, Lady Macbeth replies “and when goes hence?” I think that this is a test for Macbeth, as it will let Lady Macbeth know if she should tell him all about her plan. When he replies with “tomorrow, as he purposes”, this is a good enough answer for Lady Macbeth. This tells her that Macbeth can be trusted and will go along with her plans, With this she begins to instruct Macbeth, not on the murder, but that he must “look like the innocent flower/  But be the serpent under’t” in front of the King for that night. For that night was the night of the murder. I think that Lady Macbeth doesn’t feel right hiding her personality, and by making Macbeth do so also, she doesn’t feel so alone. I think it also brings them closer together for awhile, as they can share the responsibility of acting innocent to the king and all his followers.

I think that even before she called upon the spirits of evil, Lady Macbeth was a very strong and bold woman. When most women would have only dreamed, she actually planned and worked for Macbeth to be king and herself to be queen.

When we next see Lady Macbeth, it is in act one scene seven. It starts with Macbeth talking to himself, trying to contemplate the murder of the king. He makes reasons for why he should not murder the king and he believes he will go mad if he completes the deed.

When Lady Macbeth appears in the scene, Macbeth tells her that they shall ‘proceed no further in this business’. At this she knows instantly how to overcome his fears. She begins to taunt him and asks him ‘was the hope drunk’ when she asked if he would murder the king. I think that the is a very clever woman, as she knows exactly how to twist Macbeths’ mind. She begins to accuse him of being afraid and cowardly and this upsets Macbeth as what he does not want to be is afraid or cowardly. Then she says she will ‘account thy love’. I think that this would really upset Macbeth as he truly loves Lady Macbeth and as she knows this she can use it against him. Subsequently, she begins to praise him, if he completed the murder, then he “would/ Be so much more the man” I think what Macbeth truly wants is to be the dominant partner of the relationship. Lady Macbeth knows this, so she can use this against him as well as the fact that he doesn’t want to be seen as a coward and that he wants Lady Macbeth to know how much he loves her.

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To use Macbeths' want of power against him once more, Lady Macbeth goes on to say how courageous and trustworthy she is. She says to him that if she had ‘sworn as you have done to this’ then she would have “dashed the brains out” of the baby she loves. This shows a new side to Lady Macbeth. I think it is part of a false façade she puts on as we do not see her being so violent anywhere else in the play. In actual fact, Macbeth had not ‘sworn’ to murder the king

Following lady Macbeth saying that she ...

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